sign in

p.petra.3.32 = HGV P.Petra 3 32 = Trismegistos 112467 = petra.apis.31

DDbDP transcription: p.petra.3.32 [xml]

† κατέβαλε(ν)(*) κληρ(ονόμοι) τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ μακ(αριωτάτου) Ἱερίου Πατροφίλου δ(ιὰ(?)) τ̣[- ca.17 - ὑπὲρ μέρους αὐτῶν]
τῆς κληρονομ(ίας) Πανολβίου Θεοδώρου λ̣όγῳ συντελ(ειῶν) [αὐτῶν (year) κ(αὶ) (year) τῶν ἰνδ(ικτιόνων) ἐτῶν δύο ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
(καὶ) Γεωργίου τῶν μακαρ(ιωτάτων) πολ(ιτευομένων) Αὐγουστοπόλε(ως) καθ’(*) ἔτ[ος - ca.15 - ἀκολούθως τῇ θείᾳ]
δηληγατίωνι. ἐγράφ[(η)] ε̣ἰ̣δ̣[(οῖς)] Ἀ̣πριλ(ίοις) ἰνδ(ικτίονος) ια χειρὶ Ἰω̣[άννου (?) ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ ἐδόθη]
5ὁ(μοῦ) καθ’(*) ἔτος φ(όλλεις(?)) β, γί(νεται) τῶν β ἐτῶν φ(όλλεις(?)) η. † ⁦ vac. ? ⁩
(hand 2) † Φλά(ουιος) Μιχ[αήλιο]ς ὁ προγ(εγρ)α(μμένος) ὑ(*)πεδεξ[άμην ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
(hand 3) † Φλά(ουιος) Βίκτωρ Γε[  ̣  ̣  ̣]ίου πολ(ιτευόμενος) καὶ λο[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
(hand 4) † ἀπόδιξ[(ις)](*) [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]υπ[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]ου περι[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]


^ r.1. l. κατέβαλα(ν) (or κατέβαλο(ν))(*)
^ r.3. l. κατ’
^ r.5. l. κατ’
^ r.6. ϋπεδεξ[αμην papyrus
^ v.8. l. ἀπόδειξ[(ις)]

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HGV 112467 Translation (English) [xml]

1 † The heirs of the most blessed Hierios, son of Patrophilos, paid through [ . . . for their share] of the inheritance of Panolbios, son of Theodoros, on account of [their] taxes [for the . . . and . . . indictions, that is two years, . . . of . . . ] and of Georgios, the blessed politeuomenoi of Augustopolis, every year [ . . . according to the imperial] 4 delegatio. (This receipt) was written on the Ides of April, in the 11th indiction, by the hand of Ioannes (?) [patronymic, title, EPA year?]. Altogether 2 folles [were given] per year, total for 2 years, 8 folles. † † (I,) Flavius Michaelios, [son of . . .]os, the above-mentioned, received [...] † (I,) Flavius Victor, son of Ge- . . . ios, politeuomenos, and lo[...] (Verso:) † Receipt [of . . .]os regarding (?) [...]

APIS Translation (English)

(chi-rho) The heirs of the most blessed Hierios, son of Patrophilos, paid through [... for their share] of the inheritance of Panolbios, son of Theodoros, on account of [their] taxes [for the... and... indictions, that is two years, ... of... ] and of Georgios, the blessed politeuomenoi of Augustopolis, every year [... according to the imperial] delegatio. (This receipt) was written on the Ides of April, in the eleventh indiction, by the hand of Ioannes (?) [patronymic + title + provincial year?]. Altogether 2 folles [were given] per year, total for 2 years, 8 folles. (chi-rho) (Line 6) (chi-rho) (I,) Flavius Michaelios, [son of... ]os, the above-mentioned, received [ (Line 7) (chi-rho) (I,) Flavius Victor, son of Ge- ... ios, politeuomenos, and lo[ (Verso:) (chi-rho) Receipt [of... ]os regarding (?) [