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p.petra.3.33 = HGV P.Petra 3 33 = Trismegistos 112468 = petra.apis.32

DDbDP transcription: p.petra.3.33 [xml]

† κατέβαλαν κληρ(ονόμοι) τοῦ μακαρ(ιωτάτου) Ἱερίου Πα[τροφίλου δ(ιὰ) (name) ὑπὲρ]
μέρου(ς) αὐτῶν τῆς κληρονομίας Παν[ολβίου Θεοδώρου λόγῳ συντελειῶν αὐτῶν]
δευτέρας τρίτης τετάρτης πέμπτης [ἕκτης ἑβδόμης τῶν ἰνδ(ικτιόνων) ἐτῶν ἓξ πάντα τὰ]
ἐξακτορευόμενα δι’ αὐτῶν ἐξ ὁμάδ(ος) [- ca.35 -]
5πολιτευομέ̣ν(  ) Α̣ὐγουστοπόλεως καθ’(*) [ἔτος - ca.30 -]
πάντα τὰ ἀπαι̣τηθέ(ντα) καὶ ἐπικλασ[θέ(ντα) - ca.30 -]
ἰνδ(ικτίονος) δεκάτης (ὑπὲρ) ἰνδ(ικτιόνων) β γ δ ε ϛ ζ δι[- ca.35 -]
ὁ(μοῦ) ἐδ(ό)θ(η) καθ’(*) ἔτος χρ̣[υσ]οῦ ν[ο]μ(ισμάτια) β, Traces[- ca.35 -]
10(hand 2) † ἀπόδιξ(ις)(*) τῶν κλη̣[ρ(ονόμων)] τοῦ μακαρ(ιωτάτου) Ἱ̣ερίου Πατροφί[λου ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]


^ r.5. l. κατ’
^ r.8. l. κατ’
^ v.10. l. ἀπόδειξ(ις)

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APIS Translation (English)

(chi-rho) The heirs of the most blessed Hierios, son of Patrophilos, paid [through (?) ... for] their share of the inheritance of Panolbios, [son of Theodoros, on account of their taxes] for the second, third, fourth, fifth, [sixth, (and) seventh indictions, (that is) six years, all the] (taxes) levied through them from the total..... curiales of Augustopolis, every year..... all the exacted and extra taxes..... of the tenth indiction on account of indictions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7..... Altogether, 2 golden solidi were given per year..... (Verso:) (chi-rho) Receipt of the heirs of the blessed Hierios, son of Patrophilos [