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p.petra.5.65 = HGV P.Petra 5 65 = Trismegistos 844335 = petra.apis.65

DDbDP transcription: p.petra.5.65 [xml]

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1και̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]ετ̣  ̣[  ̣]ο[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣[- ca.7 -  ̣ρ̣[- ca.6 -]ν̣[- ca.16 -]ον̣[- ca.7 -]α̣τ̣[- ca.8 -]π̣ρ[- ca.8 -]  ̣  ̣[- ca.9 -]  ̣  ̣[- ca.10 -]  ̣  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣ δι’ οὗ ἐπιστέλλω σοι κουφίσαι μὲν]
τὸ ἐμὸν πρ̣ό̣σ̣[ωπο]ν καὶ οὐσία̣ν̣ καὶ̣ [ὁμ]άδα τ̣ὴν [ὑπ]ὲρ τ̣ῆς π̣ρ̣[ο]γ̣εγραμ̣μέ̣[νη]ς τοποθε̣[σί]α̣ς συ̣ντέλ̣[ειαν] το̣[ῦτ’] ἔ̣στι [ἰο]υγέρ[ου] ἐλευ[θερι]κ̣[οῦ τ]ὸ ἥμ̣[ισυ - ca.8 -]
τοῦτο δ[ὲ] βαρῆσ[αι τ]ὸ πρ̣[όσωπ]ον κ[αὶ ο]ὐ̣σ̣ί̣[α]ν̣ κα̣ὶ ὁ̣μά[δα] τοῦ̣ εἰρη[μέ]ν̣ου ε̣ὐδο̣κ[ιμ]ω̣τάτ[ου] Δου[σαρ]ίου ἀ̣πὸ τῆ[ς σὺ]ν θε̣[ῷ] μ̣ε̣[λλούσης εἰσιέναι ἑβδόμης ἰνδικτίονος(*)]
καὶ εἰ[ς τὸ]ν ἑξ̣ῆς̣ [ἅπαν]τα̣ χρό[νο]ν, καθ’ [ἃ καὶ πα]ρ̣ὼν α[ὐτὸ]ς ὁ ε̣ὐδοκ[ιμ]ώτ(ατος) Δουσάρ[ιο]ς συ[νέθ]ετ̣[ο κα]θυπ̣ογράψ̣[ας   ̣] πρὸ[ς γ]ὰρ [ἀσφάλει]αν [ὑ]μ[ετέραν καὶ τ]οῦ δ̣η[μοσίου λόγου]
5[καὶ] ἡ[μῶν δὲ αὐτῶν τοῦτο τὸ ἐπίσταλμα γ]ε̣γ̣έ̣ν̣[ηται,] ἐν ᾧ̣ κ[ἀγὼ](*) καθυπέ̣[γρ]α̣ψ̣α ⳨ (hand 2) † Φ̣[λ(άουιος) Πα]τ̣ρ̣[ί]κιος Α[ἰλιανοῦ] κό̣με[- ca.5 -]  ̣  ̣λοπ̣[  ̣ προγε]γ̣ρα̣μ̣μέ̣[νος ἐπέστειλα]
[- ca.70 - τοποθε]σ̣ί̣α̣ς [τὸ προγε]γραμ[μένον ἐ]λευθ[ερ  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣[- ca.10 -]
[1 line missing(?)]
7[- ca.45 -]π̣[- ca.20 -] † [(hand 3) ] Traces
ὑ̣[π]ὲρ τῆ[ς] προ̣γ̣εγραμμ̣[έ]νης τ̣[οπ]οθε̣[σί]α̣ς̣ τ̣ὸ π̣[ρ]ογεγ̣ρα[μμ]έ̣ν̣ο̣ν̣ ἐ̣λ̣ευθερικ[οῦ ἰ]ουγ̣έ̣ρ[ου] τ̣ὸ ἥμ̣ι̣σ̣[υ - ca.12 -] κου[φ]ισ[θ]ῆνα[ι τὸ]ν̣ λ̣[ό]γ̣ο̣ν κ̣[αὶ οὐσ]ίαν κ̣α̣ὶ̣ π̣ρό̣σοπ̣[ον](*) [τοῦ εἰρημ]ένου̣ μ[εγαλο]π̣ρ̣(επεστάτου) Π̣[α]τ̣ρ̣[ικ]ί̣[ου] Α̣ἰ(*)λι̣[ανοῦ ἀπὸ τῆς μ]ε̣λ̣[λο]ύσης [σὺν θεῷ ἑβδόμης ἰνδικτ]ίονο[ς](*)
κ̣α̣ὶ εἰς τὸν ἑ̣ξ̣ῆς ἅπαν̣τα χρ̣όνον, [ὡ]ς προ̣[γ]έγραπτ̣αι ἀκ̣ολ[ο]ύ̣θ̣ω̣ς̣ ὑπογ̣ράψ̣[ας] χ̣ειρὶ ἐμῇ † ⁦ vac. ? ⁩
10⁦ vac. ? ⁩ (hand 4) † Φλ(άουιος) Λ̣ε̣[όν]τ̣ιος εὐ̣λαβ̣(έστατος) χ̣α̣ρτοφύλαξ κατε̣δεξάμην καὶ κουφ[ίσω] καὶ β̣αρήσ[ω ἀπὸ τῆς] ἑ̣β̣δόμης̣ [ἰνδι]κ(τίονος)(*) κ̣[αὶ] ε̣ἰ̣ς̣ τὸν ἑξῆς τὸ προ[γεγραμ(μένον)] ἐλε̣[υ]θερ[ι] κ̣[οῦ ἰ(ουγέρου) τὸ ἥ]μ̣ισυ   ̣[- ca.10 -]


^ 5. l. κ[αὶ ἐγὼ]
^ 8. l. πρόσωπ[ον]
^ 8. α̣ϊλι̣[ανου papyrus
^ 8. l. [ἰνδικτ]ίωνο[ς]
^ 10. l. [ἰνδι]κ(τίωνος)

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

(Lines 1–5) . . . [by which I request you to relieve] my person, estate, and total assessment from the tax for the above-written plot, that is, for a half [and? . . . ] of a free iugerum and to burden with this the person, estate, and total assessment of the said most honorable Dusarios, from the [seventh indiction, which is coming] with (the will of) God, and for all following time, in accordance with what the most honorable Dusarios himself, [also] present, agreed to and signed. For [your security and the security of the public treasury and also of ourselves, this notification has been made], on which I, too, have signed below. (Lines 5–6) (2. H.) † (I), the above-mentioned Flavius Patrikios, son of [Ailianos], comes, . . . [have requested that I should be relieved . . . ] plot, (that is,) [for the] above-written . . . free [iugerum . . . (Lines 7–9) (3. H.) [† (I), the above-mentioned Flavius Dusarios, son of Valens, have requested that I should be burdened with the tax] for the above-written plot, (that is,) for the above-written half [and? . . . ] of a free iugerum [and that this] should be relieved from the account, [estate], and person of [the said] most magnificent Patrikios, son of Ailianos, [from the seventh] indiction, which is coming [with (the will of) God], and for all following time, as has been written above accordingly, signing with my own hand. † (Line 10) (4. H.) † (I), Flavius Leontios, most reverend keeper of records, have accepted and will relieve and burden [from the] seventh indiction, and for all following (time), for the half . . . of a free [iugerum . . .