sign in

p.princ.2.42 = HGV P.Princ. 2 42 = Trismegistos 17362 = princeton.apis.p94

DDbDP transcription: p.princ.2.42 [xml]

AD 93 Oxyrhynchus

ιβ (ἔτους) Δομιτιανοῦ
Διονυσία Πετοσί(ριος(?)) Ἀθῦχ(ις) πυ(ροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ιϛ χ(οίνικες) β̣ [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
ἡ α(ὐτή), Παῦνι ϛ (ἀρτάβαι) ε χ(οίνικες) γ
ἡ α(ὐτὴ) Προταρ(  ) Κλαυδίῳ Ἡρακλεί(δου), Παῦνι ϛ (ἀρτάβαι) ιβ 𐅵̣ [χ(οίνικες) ζ ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
4aἀρου(ρῶν) ι, (ἀρτάβαι) ια δ´, βασιλ(ικῆς)
4bδ´ η´, (ἀρτάβη) α δ´ χ(οίνικες) ζ, (γίνονται) (ἀρτάβαι) ιβ 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) ζ
5ἡ α(ὐτὴ) Ἐντεῖις Προτ(αρ ) Ἡρακ(λείδῃ) Διονυ(σίου) καὶ τῇ ἀδελ(φῇ) (ἀρτάβαι) μδ [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] r,ms
5aἑκατοστ(ῆς) 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) ζ, ὀνηλ(ασίου) 𐅸 χ(οίνικες) ϛ r
ἡ α(ὐτὴ(?)) Θμοι(νεψῶβθις), Θὼθ ιϛ (ἀρτάβαι) δ 𐅵 χ̣(οίνικες) [ϛ ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
Θοῶνις Ἁρπαήσι(ος) Ἀθῦχ(ις) (ἀρτάβαι) ϛ 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
(γίνονται) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) πθ δ´ χ(οῖνιξ) α
(hand 2) π̣  ̣ε̣ ιδ (ἔτους) ρκε η´ καὶ η̣´   ̣ δ´, (γίνονται) ρκε δ´ η´
10(hand 3) [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] χ(οίνικες) β
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]ζ 𐅵 δ´
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] χ(οίνικες) β
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] κα η´
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ ἀρο]υ(ρῶν) ι
15 [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ βα]σιλικῆ(ς)
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]αντι
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩
(hand 2) Ἀθῦχ(ις) καὶ Πω(  ) λγ 𐅸 χ(οίνικες) β
/ ((unintelligible)) Φίλω(ν(?)) κδ, Θήδ(εσις) χ(οίνικας) δ, Κεφάλω(ν) θ 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) η, ἴσ(ον)
20Ἐντεῖι(ς) οα χ(οῖνιξ) α
/ ((unintelligible)) Διον(ύσιος(?)) Ἀδμή(του) ν, Θήδ(εσις) Ἰακό(βου) κα χ(οῖνιξ) α, ἴσ(ον)
Θμοι(νεψῶβθις(?)) δ 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) ϛ
/ Κεφάλω(ν) δ 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) ϛ
(γίνονται) ρθ δ´ χ(οίνικες) θ
Θῶνις Ἁρπ(αήσιος) ϛ 𐅵
λο(ιπαὶ) β δ´, Κεφάλω(ν) δ δ´
(γίνονται) ριε 𐅸 χ(οίνικες) θ
λόγος (πυροῦ)
30/ Διον(ύσιος) Ἀδμή(του) ν
((unintelligible)) δ̣ι̣ʼ Ἐντείε(ως) ν
/ Θήδε(σις(?)) ιακό(βου) κα η´
((unintelligible)) Ἐντῖ(ις) κα χ(οῖνιξ) α, Ἀθῦχ(ις) χ(οίνικ ) δ
/ Φίλων κδ
35Ἀθῦχ(ις) κδ
/ Κεφάλω(ν) ιη 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) ε
Ἀθῦχ(ις(?)) θ 𐅵 χ(οινικ ) η, Θμοι(νεψῶβθις) δ 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) ϛ
(γίνονται) ριγ 𐅵 χ(οίνικες) θ
Ἀθῦχ(ις) Θοῶ(νις) δ δ´, ἴσ(ον).

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APIS Translation (English)

[recto] 12th year of Domitian; Dionysia d. of Petosiris, at Athychis, 16 art. 2 choin. of wheat; the same, at Pounis, 5 art. 3 choin.; the same, on account of land; formerly belonging to; [l. 5] Claudia Herakleidia, at Pounis, 12 1/2 art. 7 choin.; [margin] for 10 arouras, 11 1/4 art., of royal land; [margin] 1/4 1/8, 1 1/4 art. 7 choin. Total 12 1/2 art. 7 choin.; the same, on account of land; formerly belonging to Herakleides; Dionysios and his sister, at Enteiis, 44 art. . . . choin.; [margin] on account of 1% (1 1/2 %) tax, 1/2 art. 7 choin.; on account of onelatikon tax, 3/4 art. 6 choin.; the same, at Thmoithothis, 4 1/2 art. . . . choin.; Thoonis d. of Harpasis, at Athychis, 6 1/2 art. . . . choin.; Total 89 1/4 art. 1 choin. of wheat; [hand 2] at Enteiis, on account of private land, 125 1/8, on account of clerical land, 1/4 art.; Total 125 1/4 1/8 art. [verso] [col. I] [hand 3] [l. 10] . . . 2 choin.; . . .7 1/2 1/4 art.; . . . 2 choin.; . . . on account of clerical land; . . . 10 arouras; . . . on account of royal land. [col. II] [hand 2] at Athychis and Pounis (Ponis) 33 3/4 art. 2 choin.; Philon, 24 art., Thed(etos?) 4 choin., Kephalon 9 1/2 art. 8 choin., the same [sc. 33 3/4 art. 2 choin.]; [l. 20] at Enteiis, 71 art. 1 choin.; Dinoysios s. of Admetos 50 art., Thed(etos?) s. of Iakob 21 art. 1 choin., the same [sc. 71 art. 1 choin.] at Thmoithothis, 4 1/2 art. 6 choin.; Kephalon 4 1/2 art. 6 choin.; Total 109 1/4 art. 9 choin.; [l. 25] at Athychis; Thonis d. of Harpasis 6 1/2 art.; the rest 2 1/4 art., Kephalon 4 1/4 art.; Total 115 3/4 art. 9 choin. [col. III] account of wheat; [l. 30] Dinoysios s. of Admetos, 50 art.; at Enteiis, on account of private land , 50 art.; Thed(etos?) s. of Iakob, 21 1/8 art.; at Enteiis 21 art. 1 choin., at Athychis 4 choin.; Philon, 24 art.; [l. 35] at Athychis 24 art.; Kephalon, 18 1/2 art. 4 choin.; at Athychis 9 1/2 art. 8 choin., at Thmoithothis 4 1/2 art. 6 choin.; Total 113 1/2 art. 9 choin.; [l. 39] at Athychis, Thonis 4 1/4 art. the same.