sign in

p.princ.2.47 = HGV P.Princ. 2 47 = Trismegistos 27161 = princeton.apis.p656

DDbDP transcription: p.princ.2.47 [xml]

II spc Philadelphia

ἔτους ε̣, [  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣, [δ]ιέ̣γ̣ρ̣α̣(ψεν) Ἀι(*)ῶνι
Ον̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣]ιο̣υ̣(  ) ὁ [κ]αὶ Ἄριος ὑπ(ὲρ)
μ̣  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]κ̣[  ̣]α̣  ̣(  ) εἰ(ς) λ̣αο̣γ̣ρ̣(αφίαν) τοῦ
αὐ̣(τοῦ) ε̣ (ἔτους) κώ(μης) [Φ]ιλα̣δε(λφίας) δραχ(μὰς)
5τέ[σσα]ρ[ας, (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ)] δ, Χοιὰκ (δραχμαὶ) δ,
Τῦ[β]ι̣ (δραχμαὶ) η, Φ[α]ρμοῦθι (δραχμαὶ) η,
Παχὼν (δραχμαὶ) δ, Παῦν[ι] (δραχμαὶ) η,
ὁμο[ίω]ς̣ Μ̣ε̣[σο]ρὴ (δραχμαὶ) η̣.


^ 1. αϊωνι papyrus

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

The 5th year . . . also called Arios . . . paid on account of the poll-tax for the same 5th year in the village of Philadelphia four drachmas, totals [l. 5] 4 drachmas; in Choiak, 4 drachmas, in Tybi, 8 drachmas; in Pharmouthi, 8 drachmas; in Pachon, 4 drachmas; in Pauni, 8 drachmas; likewise in Mesore, 8 drachmas.