sign in

p.princ.3.153 = HGV P.Princ. 3 153 = Trismegistos 27131 = princeton.apis.p592

DDbDP transcription: p.princ.3.153 [xml]

II/III spc ?

ἀνυξάτωσαν(*)τὸ σκρή-
νιον(*) καὶ δότωσάν
σοι τὸ παρακλεί-
διον τοῦ πυλῶνος
5κʼ ἔσται ἐν τῷ πυλῶ-
νι οἴνου (τετρά)χ(οα) ιθ (δί)χ(οα) η
ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ ἀγωγίῳ
ἠνέχθη σοι (τετρά)χ(οα) σπη


^ 1. l. ἀνοιξάτωσαν
^ 1-2. l. σκρί|νιον

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APIS Translation (English)

Have them open the chest and give you the key to the gate-house. [l. 5] There will be in the gate-house, 19 four-choes wine jars and 8 two-choes jars. In the first cargo 288 four-choes jars were brought to you. Farewell.