DDbDP transcription: p.ross.georg.2.31 [xml]
II spc Arsinoite
3[ -ca.?- ] λο-
γί[ζ]ουσι δ̣[ι]ὰ [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ο̣ς̣ ἀν̣α̣-
5γράφω, ὅ[τ]ι ἑο̣ρ̣[τ]ὴ ἦν ἀ-
πὸ τῆς κϛ ἕ̣[ως] τ̣ῆ̣ς ϛ
καὶ οὐκ ἐκάθ̣ητο τὸ λ[ο-]
γισ[τ]ήριον τοῦ αἰγιαλ[ο]φ[ύ-]
λακος. περὶ τῶν ἑ[πτ]ὰ
10[σ]τατήρων γράφω σο̣ι̣, [ὅ]τ[ι]
πολλὰ ἔκαμον̣ προσκα̣ρ̣-
τερῶν τῷ Ἡραΐ(*)σκῳ καὶ
ἐπὶ πᾶσι κδ̣ (δράχμας) μοι δέδ̣ω̣-
κεν λέγων, ὅτι στατῆρ̣[α]
15ἑνὰ ὑπελόγησεν ὁ ἄν-
θρωπος. δ[έ]δω̣κα δὲ [ ̣ ̣]
Ἡρακλείδῃ τῷ γραμμ̣[α-]
τῖ(*) τοῦ αἰγιαλοφύλακο[ς]
τρὶς (δραχμὰς) δ καὶ ἔ[σχον παρʼ]
20[αὐ]τοῦ τὸ βι[βλίον περὶ(?)]
[τῆ]ς ἀπεργασία[ς διώρ(υγος) -ca.?- ]
[ἀν]δρῶν τῶν [ἀπειργασ-]
[μ]ένων, ὁ κα̣[ὶ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ἔ-]
[π]εμψα ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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APIS Translation (English)
I am writing, because there was a festival from the 26th until the 6th and the office of the aigialophylax was not occupied. I am writing to you about the 7 staters, because I was laboring much to pursue Heraiskos and, after all, he gave me 24 drachmas, saying that the man deducted one stater. I gave Heracleides, the secretary of the aigialophylax, 3 x 4 drachmas and received from him a document. . .