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p.ross.georg.3.35 = HGV P.Ross. Georg. 3 35 = Trismegistos 17961 = hermitage.apis.29

DDbDP transcription: p.ross.georg.3.35 [xml]

AD 523/4 Antaiopolis

[☧ Φλ(αύιος) Πα]ῦλος ἔκδικος Ἀνταίου ⁦ vac. ? ⁩ τοῖς θαυμασιωτάτοις πρωτοκωμήταις
κώμης Ἀφροδίτης. ἔσχον καὶ ἐπληρώθην παρʼ ὑ(*)μῶν τοῦ ἐξ ἔθους διδομένου
ἕνος νομίσματος παρὰ κεράτια δύο τῷ χρυσοχοι(*)κῷ σταθμῷ τῷ αἰδεσίμῳ ὀρδιναρίῳ
ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐκ τῶν ἐμῶν συνηθειῶν κανόνος δευτέρας ἰνδ(ικτίονος) ☧ καὶ εἰς ὑμέτεραν ἀσφάλειαν
5[π]ε[π]ο̣ίημαι ὑ(*)μῖν ταύτην τὴν ἀποχὴν ὡς πρόκ(ειται). ☧ Φλ(αύιος) Παῦλος ἔκδικος ὁ προγεγραμμ(ένος)
[στοιχεῖ μοι ἡ ἀ]ποχὴ ὡς πρόκ(ειται).
Traces 1 line


^ r.2. ϋμων papyrus
^ r.3. χρυσοχοϊκω papyrus
^ r.5. ϋμιν papyrus

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APIS Translation (English)

I, Flavius Paulus, defensor of Antaeopolis, to the most admirable protocometae of the village of Aphrodito. I have taken and been paid in full by you one solidus, minus 2 carats, given according to custom by the goldsmith's standard to the honorable ordinarius, on account of his help to me, from my synetheiai for the canon of the second indiction. And I have given as surety to you this receipt, as set out above. Flavius Paulos, the defensor mentioned above; I agree with the receipt, as set out above.