sign in

p.ross.georg.4.19 = HGV P.Ross. Georg. 4 19 = Trismegistos 39925 = hermitage.apis.4

DDbDP transcription: p.ross.georg.4.19 [xml]

VIII spc Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1Σακόορε ἀπὸ (νομισμάτων) ιϛ ὁμ[ο(ίως) ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
Ἀββ(*) Ἑρμαῶτ(ος) ἀπὸ (νομισμάτων) ιε ὁμ[ο(ίως) ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
μον(αστηρίου) Ταρόου ἀπὸ (νομισμάτων) β ὁ̣μ̣[ο(ίως) ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
μον(αστηρίου) Φαρόου ἀπὸ (νομισμάτων) δ ὁμ[ο(ίως) ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
5μον(αστηρίου) Βαρβάρ\ου/ ἀπὸ (νομισμάτων) ζ [ὁμο(ίως) ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
ὄρ\ου/ Ἁγί(ας) Μαρί(ας) ἀπὸ (νομισμάτων) κζ [ὁμο(ίως) ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
⁦ vac. ? ⁩
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ τῶ(ν) καρρ(*)(άβων)] (καὶ) τοῦ Κλύ(σματος) ∶ κϛ δ´ ζ πρ(ο)θ(εσμία) νο̣(μίσματα) ρξθ 𐅵 γ´
Traces 2 lines


^ r.2. l. Ἀββ<ᾶ>

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APIS Translation (English)

From Sakoore, out of 16 solidi, same as above [ ]. From Abba Hermaos, out of 15 solidi, same as above [ ]. From the monastery of Taroou, out of 2 solidi, same as above[ ]. From the monastery of Pharoou, out of 4 solidi, same as above [ ]. From the monastery of Barbarou, out of 7 solidi , [same as above ]. From the monastery of Hagia Maria, out of 27 solidi, [same as above ]. ... of the ships] and Clysma 26 1/4, a fixed period of 7 (days?), 169 1/2 1/3 solidi.