sign in

p.ryl.2.147 = HGV P.Ryl. 2 147 = Trismegistos 12933

DDbDP transcription: p.ryl.2.147 [xml]

AD 39 Euhemeria

Γαίωι Ἰουλίῳ Φόλῳ ἐπιστ(άτῃ)
παρὰ Πτολεμαίου τοῦ
Διδύμου νομογράφου
5Εὐημερείας τῆς Θεμίστου
μερίδος. τῇ α τοῦ ἐνεσ-
τῶτος μηνὸς Παῦνι
τοῦ γ (ἔτους) Γαίου Καίσαρος
Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ
10ἐπιβαλόντες Δάρης
Πτολεμαίου καὶ Σερᾶς
Παήους καὶ Ὀρσεὺς Ἡρα-
κλήου λεγόμενος Φέλκις
ποιμένες εἰς τὸν ὑπάρ-
15χοντά μοι περὶ τὴν
κώμην κλῆρον ἐν τῷ
λιβὶ μέρει ἐπαφεῖκαν
τὰ ἑατῶν(*) πρόβατα
καὶ κατενέμησαν ἀπὸ
20τῆς ἐν σπόρῳ κρειθῆς(*)
καὶ δραγμάτων εἰς
λόγον κρειθῆς(*) (ἀρταβῶν) ιβ.
διὸ ἀξιῶ γράψαι
ἀκθῆναι(*) τοὺς ἐνκαλο(υμένους)
25ἐπὶ σὲ πρὸς τὴν δέουσ(αν)


^ 2. l. φυλακιτῶν
^ 18. l. ἑαυτῶν
^ 20. l. κριθῆς
^ 22. l. κριθῆς
^ 24. l. ἀχθῆναι

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 12933 Translation (English) [xml]

1  ‘To Gaius Julius Pholus, chief of police, from Ptolemaeus son of Didymus, clerk of Euhemeria in the division of Themistes. On the 1st of the present month Pauni of the 3rd year of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Dares son of Ptolemaeus, Seras son of Paes, and Orseus son of Heracleus, called Phelkis, shepherds, having broken into my holding in the area of the village on the western side let loose their sheep upon it and grazed down young barley and sheaves to the amount of 12 artabae of barley. I therefore request you to write that the accused be brought before you for fitting punishment. Farewell.’