sign in

p.ryl.2.169 = HGV P.Ryl. 2 169 = Trismegistos 19517

DDbDP transcription: p.ryl.2.169 [xml]

AD 196-`197 Hermopolite

Νεωτερίδι τῇ καὶ Μαξιμιαινῇ Ἑρμοπ(ολίτιδι) διὰ Ἰ(*)σιδώρου
παρὰ Π̣ρ̣οοῦτος Ἑρμίνου καὶ Χιχόι(*)τος ἀδελφοῦ
τῶν α(ὐτῶν) γονέων, γεωργῶν Ἑρμοπ(ολιτῶν). βουλόμεθα ἑ-
5κουσίως μισθώσασθαι παρὰ σοῦ εἰ[ς] ἔτη δύο ἀπὸ
{ἀπὸ} τοῦ εἰσιόντος ϛ (ἔτους) τὰς ὑπαρχούσας σοι
περὶ κωμογρα(μματείαν) Ταχοὶ καὶ Σενκύρκεως (ἀρούρας) εἴ-
κοσι δύο ἐκ του(*) Μοσχίωνος καὶ Δουμιχᾶ
κλήρων εἰς σπορὰν ὧν ἐὰν αἱρώμεθα κατʼ ἔ-
10τος, φόρου ἑκάστης ἀρούρης κατʼ ἔτος ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμῶν) εἴκοσι
ὀκτώ . τὰ δὲ συναγόμενα ἀπ[ο]δώσομεν ἐξ
ἀλληλεγγύης ἐν τῷ Παῦνι κα[ὶ Ἐ]πεὶφ μησὶ
κατʼ ἔτος ἀργύριον δόκιμον νομ[ι]τευόμε-
νον ἀρεστόν, τῶν δημοσίων τῆς γῆς πάν-
15των ὄντων [π]ρὸς σὲ τὴν γεοῦχον, καὶ δώ-
σομεν τῆς ὅλ[ης] διετίας πλατέων ἄρτων
ἀρτάβης̣ ἥμ[ισ]υ . (ἔτους) ε Αὐτοκάτορος Καίσαρος
Λουκί[ο]υ Σε[πτιμίο]υ Σεουήρου Εὐσεβοῦς
Περτί[νακος Σεβαστ]οῦ Ἀραβικοῦ Ἀδιαβηνικοῦ
20καὶ Μ[άρκου Αὐρηλίο]υ Ἀντωνίνου Καίσαρος
τοῦ κ̣υ̣[ρίου - ca.9 - πρ]ογεγρα(μμέν ) μεμίσθωκα
ἐ̣φ̣ʼ ο̣[ἷς πρόκειται   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣] Ἑρμαίου ἔγρα(ψα) ὑπ(ὲρ) αὐτ(  )
μὴ [εἰδ  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ γράμματα.]


^ 1. ϊσιδωρου papyrus
^ 3. χιχοϊτοσ papyrus
^ 8. l. τῶν

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Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 19517 Translation (English) [xml]

1  ‘To Neoteris also called Maximiaena, inhabitant of Hermopolis, through Isidorus, steward, from Proous son of Herminus and Chichois his brother by the same parents, cultivators, of Hermopolis. We voluntarily desire to lease from you for two years from the coming 6th year the 22 arurae belonging to you in the village circumscription of Tachoi and Senkurkis, being part of the holdings of Moschion and Dumichas, to be sown with what we choose each year, at an annual rent of 28 drachmae of silver for each arura. We will pay the total amount on our mutual security yearly in the months of Pauni and Epeiph in approved and acceptable current silver, all the public charges on the land being borne by you the proprietress, and we will give for the whole period of two years half an artaba of flat loaves. The 5th year of the Emperor Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus Arabicus Adiabenicus and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Caesar the lord … I, … the aforesaid, have made the lease on the above terms. I, … son of Hermaeus, have written for …, being illiterate.’