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p.ryl.2.202A = HGV P.Ryl. 2 202 a = Trismegistos 12973

DDbDP transcription: p.ryl.2.202A [xml]

AD 108 Theadelphia

ἔτους ιβ Αὐτοκρ[άτορο]ς̣
Καίσαρος Νέ[ρ]ουα Τραιανοῦ
Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ Δακικοῦ
Θὼθ κα Σε[β(αστῇ).] Ἀ[π]ολλώ(νιος)
5γεγυ(μνασιαρχηκὼς) καὶ οἱ μέτοχ(οι) σιτ̣(ολόγοι) [Θεαδ(ελφίας)]
καὶ ἄλλω(ν) κω(μῶν) μ[εμετ]ρή(μεθα) ἀπ[ὸ τ]ῶ̣(ν)
γενη(μάτων) τοῦ διελη(λυθότος) ἑ[νδεκά]του (ἔτους)
Φίλιππος Ἀφρ[οδ(ισίου) κ(ατ)]οί(κων)
Θεαδ(ελφίας) (πυροῦ) ὀκτ\ὼ/ τρίτο(ν) ιβ´,
10(γίνονται) (πυροῦ) η γ´ ιβ´, καὶ Διόδοτος
ὁ καὶ Νίνναρο(ς) Ἀνουβ(ίωνος)
κ(ατ)οί(κων) Θεαδ(ελφίας) τρεῖς τρίτον ,
ἐπιβ(ολῆς) ἥμισυ δωδέκατον ,
(γίνονται) (πυροῦ) γ 𐅵 γ´ ιβ´, καὶ Πτολεμ(αῖος)
15Φιλίπ(που) διὰ Ἀφροδ(ισίου) ἀδελ(φοῦ)
κ(ατ)οί(κων) Θεαδ(ελφίας) δύο ἥμισυ
ὄγδο(ον), (γίνονται) (πυροῦ) β 𐅵 η´,
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]β̣(  ) φ̣[  ̣  ̣]  ̣(  ) [  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣
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HGV 12973 Translation (English) [xml]

1  ‘The 12th year of the Emperor Caesar NervaTrajanus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus. Thoth 21, dies Augusta. We, Apollonius, ex-gymnasiarch, and the associated sitologi of Theadelphia and other villages have had measured to us from the produce of the past nth year by Philippus son of Aphrodisius for land-tax on catoeci at Theadelphia 8 5/12 (artabae) of wheat, total 85/12 of wheat, and by Diodotus also called Ninnarus, son of Anoubion, for land-tax on catoeci at Theadelphia 3 1/3, for assigned land 7 1/12, total 3 11/12 of wheat, and by Ptolemaeus son of Philippus through Aphrodisius, his brother, for land-tax on catoeci at Theadelphia 2 5/8, total 2 5/8 of wheat.’