sign in

p.sakaon.78 = HGV P.Sakaon 78 = Trismegistos 13096 = michigan.apis.90 = o.mich.1.72

DDbDP transcription: p.sakaon.78 [xml]

AD 290 Arsinoite


[Reprinted from: o.mich.1.72] OMich1,72

δεκ(άπρωτος) Σωτας. κώ(μης)
θρασώ, γενή(ματος) ϛ (ἔτους)
καὶ ε (ἔτους), ὀνό(ματος) Ὡριων(*)
καὶ Βαῦλος(*), ὄν(ος)
5εἷ̣ς̣ . ζ καὶ ϛ (ἔτους),
Χοιὰκ κγ.


^ 3. l. Ὡρίωνος
^ 4. l. Βαύλου

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

Dekaprotos Sotas. For the account of the village of Thraso, for the crop of the 6th and 5th year, in the name of Horion and Paulos, 1 donkey-load. In the 7th and 6th year, Choiak 23.