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p.sijp.38v = HGV P.Sijp. 38 v = Trismegistos 110195

DDbDP transcription: p.sijp.38v [xml]

Παχὼ(ν) ε τοῦ κθ (ἔτους) ὀνό(ματος)
Σισόιτο(ς) ν(εωτέρου) Ὀννώ(φριος) ὑπ(ὲρ)
στεφ(ανικοῦ) χρή(ματος) τοῦ κη (ἔτους) Νό(του)
(δραχμὰς) ἓξ (πεντώβολον), (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) ϛ (πεντώβολον).
5Ἀμ(ώνιος) σεση(μείωμαι).

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HGV 110195 Translation (English) [xml]

1 Pachon 5 of the 29th year, in the name of Sisois the younger, son of Onnophris, for crown tax of the 28th year for Notos, six dr. 5 ob., total, 6 dr. 5 ob. I, Amonios, have signed.