DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.1.5 [xml]
118 BC Tebtynis
[Reprinted from: chr.mitt.1] COrdPtol53;trpl=SB8,9899a‡7b
[Βασιλεὺς] Πτολεμαῖος καὶ βασίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ ἀδελφὴ(*)
[καὶ βασίλισσ]α Κλεοπάτρα ἡ γυνὴ [ἀ]φιᾶσει(*) τοὺς ὑ[πὸ] τὴ[ν]
[βασιλήαν](*) [π]άντας ἀγνοημάτων ἁμαρτημ[άτ]ων [ἐ]ν̣-
[κλημάτων καταγνωσμάτων] αἰτ[ι]ῶν πασῶν τῶν ἕως θ τοῦ Φα[ρμοῦ(θι) τοῦ] νβ (ἔτους)
5[π]λ̣ὴ̣ν τ̣[ῶν φόν]ους(*) ἑκουσίοις καὶ ἱεροσυλίαις(*) ἐ̣νεχομ̣[ένων. -ca.?- ]
προστετά[χα]σι δὲ καὶ τοὺς ἀνακεχωρηκότας(*) δ[ιὰ τὸ ἐνέχεσθαι]
[λ]ήαις(*) καὶ ἑτέρας(*) αἰτίαις καταπορευομένους εἰς [τὰς ἰδίας] εἰς [τὰς ἰδίας]
[γ]ί̣ν̣εσθαι(*) π[ρ]ὸς αἷς καὶ πρότερον ἦσαν ἐργασία[ις καὶ κομίζεσθαι(*)]
[τὰ] ἔ̣τ̣ι̣ ὑ̣π̣ά̣ρ̣[χοντα] ἄπρατα ἀπὸ τῶν διὰ τα̣[ῦτα ἠνεχυρασμένων](*)
10[ἀπολύουσι](*) δὲ π[ά]ν̣[τας] τῶ[ν ὀφ]ειλ[ο]μένων π̣[ρὸς τοὺς ἕως](*)
[τοῦ] ν (ἔτους)(*) χρόνους πρός τε τὴν σιτικὴν μί(σθωσιν) κ̣α̣[ὶ ἀργυ(ρικὰς) πρ(οσόδους)](*) πλὴν
τῶν μεμισθωμένων εἰς τὸ πατρικὸν [καὶ](*) ὧν δ[ι]εγγύ(ημα)
ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ τ[ο]ὺς ὀφείλοντάς π̣ρός τε τ̣ὸ̣ (ἡμιαρτάβιον) καὶ ̣.[ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ](*)
15καὶ τὴν (διαρταβίαν) καὶ τὸ̣ φ̣υλα(κιτικὸν) καὶ τὸ ναύβι[ον] τὰ π̣[αρα-]
π̣[λ]ή̣σ̣ια(*) καὶ τὸ χω̣[μα]τικὸν(*) μέχρι τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ [α]ὐ[τῶν χρόνων](*).
[ἀπολύουσι](*)[ δὲ] κ̣[αὶ τῶν] π̣αραγρ(αφομένων) πρ̣ὸ̣ς̣ τὴ[ν] ἀπ[ό]μοιραν καὶ τὸ ἐπα̣ρ̣(ούριον)(*)
[καὶ τοὺς φόρους(*) καὶ] τὰ̓́λα(*) τα̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ἕως τ]ο̣ῦ̣ αὐ(τοῦ) χρόν̣ο̣υ̣(*)
ἀφιᾶσ<ι> δὲ [καὶ το]ὺ̣ς ὀφε̣[ίλον]τας στρα(τιώτας) τ̣[ού]ς̣ τε πε[ζοὺς καὶ τοὺς](*)
20ἐ̣κ̣ τοῦ [βα(σιλικοῦ) ἀναδ]εδομέν̣ω̣[ν](*) αὐτοῖς τι̣μῆς̣ κ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ων καὶ ὅπλων](*)
\[κ]α̣[ὶ] τῶν ἄ[λλω]ν/ [τ]ὰ̣ λοιπὰ̣ [τῆ]ς̣ τιμῆ[ς [ ̣] ̣ιτ⟧ ἕως [τοῦ ν ̣ (ἔτους).](*)
[προστετάχα]σ̣ι δὲ καὶ τὸ[ν](*) [ -ca.?- ]
[- ca.9 -]ων ἐρευ̣νῶ̣ν̣ ε̣ρ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
[- ca.11 - μ]ετ̣[α]ξὺ τῶν φυλακῶν(*) ̣[ -ca.?- ] 2
25μηδὲ ἐπιλαμβάνεσθ̣α̣ι̣ ἐὰν μὴ ἐπὶ τῶν κατʼ Ἀλεξά(νδρειαν) ὅρ[μων]
[ἐ]π̣ὶ̣ τῆς ἐξαιρεως(*) εὑ̣ρ̣ί̣[σκ]ηι τι τῶν μὴ τετελωνημ̣έ̣ν[ων]
ἢ̣ τῶν ἀπορρήτων̣, τ̣[αῦ]τα δὲ ἀνάγειν ἐπὶ τὸν διοικητήν.
[ὁμ]οίως δὲ καὶ τοὺς πεζῆι ἀ̣[ν]απορε[υομένους] ἐκ τῆς πόλεως τὴν
[ἄ]γουσαν πεζὴν ὁδὸν παραγ̣ε̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] καὶ τοὺς ἀπὸ τῶ̣ν
30[τ]αινιῶν ἐ[πὶ τ]ὰ̣ς ταινίας̣ μη[δὲ ἀπαι]τεῖν μηδ̣ὲ(*) πράσσε[ιν]
[τι κα]θʼ οὑν[τιν]οῦν(*) τρόπον ἐ[κτὸ]ς τῶν καθηκόντων λελεῖσθ̣α̣ι̣(*)
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣]
[ὁμοίως δὲ περ]ὶ τῶν εἰσαγό[ντων] διὰ τοῦ ξενικοῦ
ὁμοίω(ς) μισθὸν παιδ( )(*) Νουμη(νίου) δ̣ι̣αφυ( ) ρν,
35[- ca.17 -] ̣ ̣[ἐπʼ α]ὐτῆς τῆς πύλης ἡ ἐπί-
λημψις [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣](*).
προστετάχα[σι] δὲ κ[αὶ] τοὺ[ς] κεκληρουχημένους πάντας καὶ τοὺς
τὴν ἱερὰν γῆν καὶ τὴν ἄλλην τὴν ἐν ἀφέσει γῆν ἐχοντων(*)
[π]ά̣ντας καὶ τοὺς ἐπιβεβηκότας ἐπὶ τὴν βα(σιλικὴν) καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους
[τ]οὺς τὴν πλείωι(*) γῆν ἔχοντας τῆς καθηκούσης ἀποβάν̣-
40τας ὧν ἔχουσι πλει̣ω̣ν(*) ἁπάντων καὶ προσαγγείλαν-
τας ἑα[υ]τοὺ̣ς̣ καὶ παραδόντ[ας] ἐ̣νιαυτοῦ ἐκφόριον ἀπολύ̣-
εσθαι τῶν ἕως τοῦ να̣ (ἔτους) χρόνων κ̣[- ca.15 -]
κρατεῖν κυ[ρ]ίως.
[τοὺς δὲ ἐπιλέ]κ̣[τους] κ̣α̣ὶ̣ μαχ(ίμους) ⟦καὶ⟧ (δεκαρούρους) καὶ (ἑπταρούρους) κ̣[αὶ τοὺς το]ύ̣-
45[τ]ων ἡ[γου]μέν[ο]υς καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους τοὺς φερομ̣[ένους ἐν τῆι συντ]ά̣(ξει)
[καὶ τοὺς] να̣[υκ]ληρομαχ(ίμους) καὶ τοὺς ἐκ τοῦ πολ̣[- ca.10 -]
[κρατεῖ]ν ὧν κατεσχήκασι κλή̣(ρων) ἕως τοῦ [νβ (ἔτους) ἀκατηγο-]
[ρήτου]ς καὶ ἀνεπιλήπτους ὄντας.
[ἀφει]ᾶ̣σ̣ε̣ι(*) δὲ π̣ά̣ν̣[τ]ας καὶ τοῦ ὀφειλομένου λειτουργ[ι]κοῦ.
[——] 3
50[προσ]τετάχασι δὲ κ̣[αὶ τὴν ἱερ]ὰν γῆν καὶ τ[ὰς ἄ]λ̣λ̣ας ἱερ[ὰς προσόδους]
[τ]ὰς ὑπαρχούσας τοῖς ἱεροῖς ⟦ ̣ ̣⟧ μένιν(*) [κυρί]ως, λ[αμβάνε]σ̣θ̣α̣ι(*) δ̣ὲ
[κα]ὶ̣ τὰς(*) ἀπομοίρας ἃς ἐλάμ̣β̣α̣ν̣[ο]ν ἔκ τε τ[ῶν κ]τημάτων(*) καὶ τῶν
[π]αρ\α/δεί(σων) καὶ τῶν ἄλλων. ὡσαύτως δὲ καὶ τὰ ὑποκείμενα χρήματα
ἢ̣ ὰ(*) ἐκ τοῦ βα(σιλικοῦ) εἰς τὰς συν[τ]ά̣[ξεις] τῶν ἱερ[ῶ]ν καὶ τἆλλα(*) τὰ συνκεκρεμένα(*)
55[ἕ]ως [το]ῦ̣ ν̣α (ἔτους) ἀπ[ο]δ̣ιδόναι εὐ̣τ̣άκτως <ὡς> ἐ̣[π]ὶ̣ τῶν ἄλλων, {ων} καὶ μηθεν[ὶ]
[ἐ]ξεῖν[αι] λαμβάνειν τι ἐκ τούτων.
μ[η]θ[ένα δὲ] παραιρεῖσθαι μηθὲν τῶν ἀνιερωμένων τοῖς θεοῖς [μ]ετὰ βί̣[α]ς
μηδὲ [πειθ]ανάγκην [π]ροσάγειν τοῖς προεστηκόσι τῶν ἱερῶν προσόδω[ν,]
ἤτοι κώ(μας) ἢ γᾶς ἢ ἄλλας ἱερὰς πρ(οσόδους) μη[δὲ] κ̣[οι]ν̣ω̣ν̣ι̣(κὰ) μηδὲ στεφά(νους) μηδὲ τὰ ἀρτ̣α̣(βίεια)
60λαμβάνειν ἐκ τῶν ἀνιερωμένων τοῖς θεο[ῖς μηδ]ὲ τὰς
ἱερὰς (ἀρούρας) σκε[π]άζειν(*)
παρε[υ]ρ[έ]σι(*) μηδεμιᾷ, ἐᾶν δὲ διὰ τῶν ἱερέ[ων αὐτῶν(*) δ]ι̣ο̣ικ̣εῖσθαι.
ἀφειᾶσ[ι](*) δὲ καὶ τοὺς ἐπιστάτας τῶν ἱερῶν καὶ τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ ἱερ[εῖς τῶν]
ὀφε[ι]λομένων πρός τε τὰ ἐπιστατικὰ καὶ τὰ̣ς προστιμή̣[σεις τῶν]
ὀθονίων ἕως τοῦ ν (ἔτους).
65ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ τοὺς ἔχοντας ἐκ(*) τοῖς ἱεροῖς γέρ[α κα]ὶ̣ προφητείαις(*) καὶ γρ(αμματείας) κ[αὶ ἄλ]λ̣α̣ς̣
λει(τουργίας) τῶν ὀφειλομένων ἐν αὐτοῖς πρὸς τὰς ἐπὶ ἐνίοις καιροῖς ἀπῃτημέν[α]ς̣ [καρ-]
πείας ἕως τοῦ ν (ἔτους).
ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ τοὺς πλείονας καρπείαις(*) ἐξεν̣ηνεγμένους ἕως τοῦ αὐτ[οῦ]
[χ]ρόνου τῶν ἐπιτίμων.
70ὡσαύτως δὲ κ[αὶ] το̣ὺ̣ς̣ ἐν τοῖς ἐλάσσοσιν ἱεροῖς καὶ Ἰσιείοις καὶ ἰβίω(ν) τρ(οφαῖς) κ[αὶ ἱ]ερακεί(οις)
καὶ Ἀνουβιείοις [καὶ] τοῖς ἄλλοις τοῖς παραπλήσ̣ι̣ο̣ν̣ τῶν παραπλ̣[η]σ̣ίων
πρ[ ̣]τ̣ο̣υ̣ς̣ ἕως τοῦ [α]ὐ̣τοῦ χρόνου.
τοὺς [δ]ὲ κρατοῦντας [τ]ῶν τοιούτων ἱερῶν καὶ α̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣]μενους τὰ ἐκ τῶν ἀ̣νιερομέ-
ν[ω]ν(*) ἐδαφῶν [κα]ὶ̣ τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ ἄλλων προσόδ[ων κ]α̣ὶ̣ ὑ̣πο̣σκευάζ[ο]ν̣τ̣[α]ς καὶ ἀ[π]ο̣-
75[- ca.11 -]ν̣ ἔτεσιν ἐπὶ δ̣ὲ τῶν τ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ν τοῖς θεοῖ[ς ̣ ̣ ̣]ατα κ̣α̣ὶ̣
[- ca.13 -] ̣ ̣υ( ) ̣ ̣[ ̣] ̣τη̣ υ̣π̣α̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ το]ῖς ἐδάφεσι. 4
[προστε]τάχασι δὲ καὶ τὰ εἰς τὴν ταφὴν τοῦ Ἄπιος καὶ Μνήσ̣ιος(*) ζ̣ητεῖν ἐκ τοῦ βα(σιλικοῦ)
[ὡ]ς̣ καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν ἀποτεθεωμένων. ὡσαύτως δὲ καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ἱερῶν
ζῴν(*) τὰ ὑποκείμενα. (τὰς ἠγορασμένας προφητείας καὶ γέρα καὶ γρ(αμματείας) εἰς τὰ ἱερὰ [ἐκ] τῶν)
80τὰς ἠγορασμένας προφητείας καὶ γέρα καὶ γρ(αμματείας) εἰς τὰ ἱερὰ ἐκ τῶν ἱερῶν προσόδων̣ [ὧ]ν
τ[ὰ]ς τιμὰς τεταγμέναι(*) εἰσὶν(*) μένειν τοῖς ἱεροῖς κυρίως, ταύτας δὲ [μ]ὴ ἐξ̣[εῖ]ν̣αι
τοῖς(*) ἱερεῦσι {μη} παραχωρῖν(*) τοῖς ἄλλοις.
προστεταχισιν(*) δὲ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων ἀσύλων τόπων μ[η]θένα [ἐξάγειν](*)
μήτε ἀποβιάζεσθαι παρευρέσι(*) μηδεμιᾷ.
85καὶ [ἐ]π̣ὶ̣(*) προσπείπτει(*) τοὺς πρὸς ταῖς σιτολο(γίαις) καὶ(*) ἀντιγρ(αφείαις) μί̣ζοσι(*) μέ[τ]ροις [πα]ρ̣ὰ τ̣ὰ εὐς(*)
ἐν ἑκάστωι νομῶι ἀποδεδε̣ι̣[γμέ]ν̣α χα(λκᾶ) ̣ ̣ ̣ μέτροις \παραλ̣α̣γ̣μ̣ε̣ν̣ου[ ̣](*)/ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ἐπ̣[ιστα]θμ̣[ᾶσ]θαι(*) τῶν
εἰς τὸ βα(σιλικὸν) καθηκόντων [κ]αὶ κατὰ τοῦτο τοὺς γεω(ργοὺς) μὴ τ[ὰ]ς χο̣ί̣[νικ]α̣ς(*) α̣[ἰτ]εῖσθαι
[π]ροστετάχασι ⟦καὶ⟧ τοὺς στ[ρ]α(τηγοὺς) καὶ τοὺς ἐπὶ τῶν προ(σόδων) καὶ τοὺς βα(σιλικοὺς) γρ(αμματέας) τὰ̣ς̣ σ̣τ̣άθ̣μ̣α̣ς̣ τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ μ̣[έ]τρων
[ἀ]πὸ τοῦ βελτίστου ποιεῖσθαι παρόντων τῶν κατὰ τ̣[ὰ]ς̣ πρ(οσόδους) τῶ̣ν̣ [γε]ω̣(ργῶν)(*) καὶ τῶν [ἱ]ε̣[ρ]έων
90καὶ τῶν κληρούχων καὶ τῶν ἄλλων τῶν τὴν ἐν ἀφέσει ν(*) ἐχόντω̣ν̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ χ̣α̣(λκ )
καὶ μὴ πλεῖον ἔχειν τῶν εἰς τὰ παραπτώματα ἐ[π]ικεχωρημέ̣ν̣ω̣[ν] ̣ ̣ ̣ι̣ ̣ ̣
[ ̣ ̣] β, τοὺς δὲ παρὰ ταῦτα ποιοῦντας θαν[άτωι ζ]ημιοῦσθαι.
προστετάχασι δὲ καὶ τοὺς γεω(ργοῦντας) κατὰ(*) τὴν χώραν γ[ῆν ἀ]μπελῖτιν [ἢ] παραδείσους
̣ ̣ ἐ̣ὰν(*) καταφυτ[ε]ύσωσι ἐν τῆι κατακεκλ[υσ]μ̣\έν/ηι καὶ κεχερ[σ]ωμενης(*)
95ἀπὸ τοῦ νγ (ἔτους) ἕως τοῦ νζ (ἔτους) ἀτελεῖς ἀφεῖναι ἀφʼ οὗ ἂν α[ὐ]τὰς καταφυτεύσωσι ἐφʼ ἔτη ε
κ[α]ὶ ἀπ[ὸ το]ῦ ϛ (ἔτους) εἰς ἄλλα τρία ἔλασσον τοῦ καθήκοντος πράσσειν τῶι τετάρτωι
ἔτ[ε]ι, ἀπὸ δὲ τοῦ θ (ἔτους) πάντας τελεῖν καθὰ καὶ οἱ ἄλλοι [οἱ] τὴν [σπό]ριμον κεκτημένοι, τοῖς
δʼ ἐν τῆι Ἀλεξα(νδρέων)(*) χώρᾳ πρὸς τοῖς ἐπὶ τῆ(ς) χώ(ρας) προσδοῦναι ἄ[λλ]α (ἔτη) γ.
προστετάχασι δὲ καὶ τοὺς ἠγορασκότας(*) ἐκ βα(σιλικοῦ) οἰκ[ία]ς ἢ ἀμπελῶνας ἢ παραδείσ[ο]υς
100ἢ ἄλλα σταθα ἢ πλοῖα ἢ ἄλλο τι καθʼ οὑντινοῦν(*) τρόπον μ̣[έν]ειν κυρίως, καὶ τὰς
ο[ἰ]κ̣ίας μὴ ἐπισταθμεύεσθαι.
[ὁμοίω]ς δὲ καὶ τὰς γεγονυίας [πρὸς τοὺς γεωργοὺς σ]ι̣τικὰς̣ μισθώσεις μένειν
[κυρίως - ca.9 - ει]λ̣ήφασ̣[ι - ca.17 -]ν̣ 5
εδ̣ε[ ̣]ι̣[- ca.40 -]ς̣
105βα(σιλ ) ἃ μη̣[- ca.30 -]μ̣α̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣]
λελειμ[μεν - ca.27 -]κατ̣[ ̣ ̣]α
ζ̣η̣[τ]εῖ̣ν τ̣[- ca.25 - εἰς ἄ]λ̣λ̣α τ[ρί]α̣
τάσσεσθα[ι - ca.26 -]αι̣ς̣ με ̣[ ̣] ̣ε̣ ̣(*)
ταῦτα τὰ καθ[ήκοντα - ca.19 -] ̣ιουτα̣ς̣ κ[ατ]α-
110λείψουσι ἣν ἕως τ[οῦ ̣ ̣ (ἔτους) - ca.10 - κατεσχή]κασι [τ]οὺς δὲ τὴν
ἰδιόκτητον καὶ τ[ὴν ἱερὰν καὶ τὴν κληρουχικὴ]ν καὶ τὴν ἄλλην
τὴν ἐν ἀφέσει λ̣[- ca.27 -] ̣ωται
ἀπολυομένου̣ς̣ α̣ ̣[- ca.28 -] καὶ ἐπιγρ(αφῆς)
καὶ τῶν ἄλλω[ν - ca.27 -]τη ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ν
115[ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣] τελουντ(*) [- ca.33 -]δε
τοῦ νη (ἔτους) ὅσα κ[- ca.28 -] ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ε
ἐξ αὐτῆ̣ς σ̣υν̣[- ca.28 -] ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣]α̣
διδόναι ὧν κα[- ca.35 -]ται
ἐξεῖναι δὲ καὶ τ[- ca.35 -]
120καὶ β̣αλανεῖα α̣[- ca.35 -] ̣ ̣
ἀπὸ τοῦ νγ (ἔτους) ε[- ca.33 -]ν̣
ἔν τισιν [- ca.40 -]
μένιν(*) [- ca.38 -]α̣ι̣
καὶ τοὺς̣ [ -ca.?- ]
125κ̣[ -ca.?- ]
[ ̣ ̣ ̣] 6
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]κ̣ε̣ ̣ ̣α̣ ̣[ ̣] τὰ καθή̣κ̣ο̣ν̣τα τέλη
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ε ̣ κεφ[α]λαίου ωνην ἀ̣ν̣τ̣ι̣γρ(αφ ) τὰ̣ς α̣ἰ̣τ̣ή̣σ̣ι̣ς̣(*)
130[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ἑ]κά̣σ̣τ̣ω̣ι̣(*) τόπωι βα(σιλικ ) γρ(αμματ ) ἐν ἡμ̣έρ̣[αις ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ο̣υ[ ̣ ̣ ̣] τὰ καθήκοντα τέλη τ ̣ ̣
ν[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]α̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣](*) ἀπολύεσθαι τῶν ἐξακ̣ο-
λ̣ο̣υθο[ύν]τ[ων](*) [προσ]τίμων.
(hand 2) προστε[τάχασι δὲ κα]ὶ τοὺς κυρίους τῶν κατεσπασμ[έν]ων
135καὶ ἐμ[πεπυρισμέν]ων οἰκιῶν ἐᾶν οἰκ[ο]μεῖν(*) εἰς τὰ [ὑπ]οκεί-
μενα μέ[τρα· ἐπιχωρ]ῆσ̣[αι δὲ] κ̣α̣ὶ̣ τ[οῖ]ς ἰδ̣ί̣ᾳ̣ ̣υ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ τ]ῶν
κ(ωμῶν) ἕως̣ [ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ τὰς ἰδί]α̣ς̣ καὶ τὰ ἱερὰ ἀνοι[κο]δομεῖν
ἕω[ς ὕ]ψο̣[υςπ(ηχῶν)ι] π̣λ̣ὴ̣ν̣ τ̣[ῶν] ἐ(*) Πανω(*) πόλ[ε]ως. μηθένα δὲ
λο[γεύε]ι̣ν̣ [παρ]ὰ τῶν γεωργῶν καὶ τῶν ὑποτελῶν καὶ τ[ῶ]ν
140ἐπιπεπλ[εγμ]ένων ταῖς π[ρο]σόδοις καὶ μελισσουργῶν καὶ
τῶν ἄλ[λω]ν ὥστε τοι(*) στ̣[ρατη]γ̣οῖς καὶ ἐπιτουτα̣ι̣ς(*) τῶν φυ(λακιτῶν)
ἢ ἀρχιφ[υλα(κίταις)] ἢ̣ ο̣ἰ̣κ̣[ονόμοις ἢ τ]ων(*) παρʼ αὐτῶν καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις
τοῖς {τοῖς} πρὸς την(*) πραγματείαις καθʼ ὁντινοῦν τρόπον
μηδὲ τ[ο]ὺς στρατη<γ>οὺς μηδὲ καὶ τοὺς ἐπὶ χρειῶν τετα-
145μ{ν̣}ένους(*) καὶ τοὺς τού[τοι]ς ὑποτεταμένους(*) κα[ὶ] τοὺς ἄλλους
πάντας τὴν <ἐν> ἀρετῆι̣ [κε]ιμένην βα(σιλικὴν) γῆ(ν) παραιρεῖσθαι τῶν γεω(ργῶν) 7
(hand 1) προστετάχασι δὲ καὶ τοὺς κυρίους τῶν
κατε[σπ]ασμένων καὶ ἐμπεπυρισμένων
οἰκιῶν ἐᾶν οἰκοδομεῖν(*) ἐπὶ \τὰ/ {τῶν} ὑποκείμενα
ἐπιχωρῆσαι δὲ καὶ τοῖς ἰδίᾳ ε̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ τῶ]ν̣
κωμῶν τ[ὸ]ν αὐτὸν τρόπον ἕ[ως ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] τὰς ἰδίας
καὶ τὰ ἱερὰ ἀνοικοδομεῖν ἕως ὕψους π(ηχῶν) ι πλὴν τῶν
ἐκ Πανῶν πόλεως.
155μηθένα δὲ λογεύειν μηθὲν(*) παρὰ τῶν γεω(ργῶν)
καὶ τῶν ὑποτελῶν καὶ τῶν(*) ἐπιπεπλε-
γμένων ταῖς προσόδοις καὶ μελεισσουργῶν(*)
καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ὥστε τοῖς στρατηγοῖς
καὶ ἐπιστάταις(*) τῶν φυ(λακιτῶν) ἢ ἀρχιφυ(λακίταις) ἢ οἰκο(νόμοις) ἢ τοῖς
160παρʼ αὐτῶν ἢ τοῖς ἄλλοις τοῖς πρὸς ταῖς
πραγματείας(*) καθʼ ὁντινοῦν τρόπον.
μηδὲ τοὺς στρα(τηγοὺς) \μηδὲ/(*) {καὶ} τοὺς ἐπὶ χρειῶν τετα-
γμένους (καὶ τοὺς κειμένην βα(σιλικὴν) γῆν) καὶ τοὺς
τούτοις ὑποτεταγμένους καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους
165πάντας τὴν ἐν ἀρετῆι κειμένην βα(σιλικὴν) γῆν
παραιρεῖσθαι τῶν γεω(ργῶν) μηδὲ ἐπὶ ἐγλογῆι
ἀνεπιστάθμου̣ς̣ [δ] εἶν̣[αι] κ̣α̣ὶ̣ τοὺς στρατευ-
ομένους Ἕλληνας [καὶ τοὺ]ς ἱερεῖς καὶ τοὺς
170γεω(ργοῦντας) βα(σιλικὴν) γῆν καὶ τοὺς [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ς καὶ τοὺς πυκοφους(*)
καὶ τανυφά[ντας πάντ]α̣ς καὶ τοὺς ὑοφορβοὺς
καὶ χηνοβο(σκοὺς) κ[αὶ χαρτοποιοὺ]ς(*) καὶ ἐλαιουργοὺς καὶ
κικιουργοὺς καὶ με[λισσουργο]ὺς καὶ ζυτοποιοὺς 8
τοὺς τελοῦντας τὰ καθή(κοντα) εἰς τὸ βασ(ιλικὸν) ἕκαστων(*) αὐ(τῶν)
175οἰκίας μιᾶς ἐν ᾗ αὐτὸς καταγίνετ̣α̣ι(*),
τῶν δʼ ἄλλων τῶν δοσίμων μὴ πλεῖον ἐπι-
σταθμεύεσθαι τοῦ ἡμίσους.
προστετάχασι δὲ μηδὲ τοὺς στρα(τηγοὺς) καὶ τοὺς
ἄλλους τοὺς πρὸς ταῖς πραγματείαις ἕλκειν
180τινὰς τῶν κατοικούντων(*) ἐν τῆι χώρᾳ
εἰς λειτουργίας ἰδίας μηδὲ κτήνη αὐτῶν
ἐγγαρεύειν(*) ἐπί τι τῶν ἰδίων(*) μηδὲ
ἐπιρίπτειν μόσχους μηδὲ ἱερεῖα τρέφειν
μηδὲ χῆνας μηδὲ ὄρνιθας μηδὲ οἰνικὰ
185ἢ σιτικὰ γενή(ματα) ἐπιρίπτειν τιμῆς μηδʼ εἰς
ἀνανανεώσεις(*) μηδὲ συναναγκάζειν ἔργα
δωρεὰν συντελεῖν παρευρέσει μηδεμιᾷ.
ἀφιᾶσει(*) δὲ καὶ τοὺς κατὰ τὴν χώραν φυ(λακίτας) τῶν
παραγραφομένων πρὸς τὰ̣ς̣ βα̣(σιλικὰς) ἐ̣π̣ι̣σ̣κοπείας καὶ
190πρὸς ἃ καταπρόεινται γενή(ματα) καὶ τῶν παρα-
δεδομένων αὐτοῖς πρὸς ὀφει(λήματα) καὶ πρὸς ἄλλας
αἰτίας καὶ διαδ̣εδ̣ρακότων(?)(*) ἕως τοῦ ν (ἔτους).
ἀπολῦσαι \δὲ/ καὶ τοὺς μὴ παραδεδωκότας εἰς τὸ βασ(ιλικὸν)
τιμῆς τὰ ἐκ τῆς κληρουχικῆς καὶ τῆς ἱερᾶς
195καὶ τῆς ἄλλης ἐλαικὰ φορτι(*) ὥς(*) τοῦ \αὐτοῦ/ χρόνου, καὶ
τοὺς μὴ παρεστακότας ταὶ(*) πορεῖα π̣ρ̣ὸ̣ς τ̣ὴν
σύνκλητον τῶν ἐξακολουθούντων.
δὲ καὶ τοὺς μὴ παραγεωχότας ἐπὶ τὰ χώματα
τὴν καλαμείαν καὶ τὰς κουφεία[ς.]
200ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ τοὺς βα(σιλικοὺς) γεω(ργοὺς) καὶ τοὺ[ς ̣ ̣( )(*)] καὶ {τοὺς}(*)
τοὺς τὴν ἐν ἀφέσει γῆν ἔχ[οντας καὶ] μ̣ὴ
καταπεφευκότας(*) τὰς̣ καθη[κούσας ̣ ̣] 9
ἕως τοῦ να (ἔτους) τῶν ἐξακολουθούντων προστίμων,
τὴν δὲ φυτείαν ποιεῖσθαι ἀπὸ τοῦ νβ (ἔτους).
205καὶ τοὺς κεκοφότας τῶν ἰδίων ξύλα παρὰ <τὰ> ἐκε̣ίμενα(*)
προστετάχασι δὲ καὶ περὶ τῶν κρινομένων Α[ἰ]γυπτίων
πρὸς Ἕλληνας καὶ περὶ τῶν Ἑλλήνων τῶν [π]ρὸς τοὺς
Αἰγυπτίους ἢ Αἰγυ(πτίων) πρὸς <Αἰγυπτίους καὶ Ἕλλήνων πρὸς>(*) Ἕλληνας γενῶν πάντων
210πλὴν τῶν γεω(ργούντων) βα(σιλικὴν) γῆν καὶ τῶν ὑποτελῶν καὶ τῶν
ἄλλων τῶν ἐπι\πε/πλεγμένων ταῖς προσόδοις τοὺς
μὲν καθʼ Ἑλληνικὰ σύμβολα συνηλλαχότας
Ἕλλησιν Αἰγυπτίους ὑπέχειν καὶ λαμβάνειν
τὸ δίκαιον ἐπὶ τῶν χρηματιστῶν. ὅσοι δὲ Ἕλληνες
215ὄντες συνγράφονται(*) κατʼ αἰγύ(πτια) συναλλάγματα
ὑπέχειν τὸ δίκαιον ἐπὶ τῶν λαοκριτῶν κατὰ τοὺς
τῆς χώρας νόμους. τὰς δὲ τῶν Αἰγυ(πτίων) πρὸς τοὺς
αὐτοὺς Γυ(*)(πτίους) κρίσεις μὴ ἐπισπᾶσθαι τοὺς χρημα(τιστὰς)
ἀλλʼ ἐᾶν ⟦κριν⟧ διεξάγεσθαι ἐπὶ τῶν λαοκριτῶν κατὰ τοὺς
220τῆς χώρας νόμους
προστετάχασι δὲ καὶ τοὺς τῶν ξενικῶν
πράκτορας μὴ παραλαμβάνειν τοὺς βα(σιλικοὺς) γεω(ργοὺς)
μηδὲ τοὺς ὑποτελεῖς μηδὲ τοὺς ἄλλους
του(*) κωλυομένους διὰ τῶν προεκκειμένων
225προσταγμάτων εἰς προβολὴν(*) τεσθαι(*)
⟦μη⟧ παρευρέσει μηδεμιᾷ(*), τὰς δὲ
πράξεις τῶν ἐν αὐτοῖς γίνεσθαι(*)
ἐκ τῶν ἄλλων ὑπαρχόντων τῶν μὴ
ἀνειργουμένων(*) δι(*) τοῦ προστάγματος
προστετάχα\σι/ δὲ καὶ τῶν βα(σιλικῶν) γεω(ργῶν) μὴ πωλεῖν
ἕως οἰκίας μιᾶς ἐν ᾗ(*) τὴν(*) γεωρ-
γικὴν(*) κατασκευὴν α̣περιδευ̣σ̣αι ⟦τὰ⟧
μηδὲ τὰ κτήνη μηδὲ τὰ ἄλλα τὰ πρὸς τὴν 10
235γεωργίαν σκεύη μήτε [π]ρ̣[ὸς βα(σιλικὸν) μηδὲ](*)
πρὸς ιερευτικὸν(*) μηδὲ πρὸς ἄ̣λ̣λ̣ο̣ ὀ̣φε̣ί̣(λημα)(*)
παρευρέσει μηδεμιᾷ, τὸν αὐτὸν δὲ
τρόπον μηδὲ λινυφαντεῖα μηδ̣ὲ τῶν
λινύ̣φων καὶ βυσσουργῶν καὶ ἐριουφαντ[ῶν]
240μηδὲ τῶν ἄλλων τῶν παραπλησ[ίω]ν
παρευρέσει μηδεμιᾷ μηδʼ ἄλλους
κτᾶσθαι μηδὲ χρῆσθαι τοῖς τε λινυ-
φαντικοῖς καὶ βυσσουργικοῖς ἐργαλείοις
πλὴν αὐτῶν τῶν ὑποτελῶν κ[αὶ] τῶν
245βυσσουργῶν, τούτους δὲ χρῆσθαι ἐν αὐτοῖς
τοῖς ἱεροῖς πρὸς τὴν συντέλειαν τῶν βα(σιλικῶν)(*)
καὶ τὸν στολισμὸν τῶν ἄλλων θεῶν.
μηδὲ τοὺς ἐπὶ πραγμάτων τεταγμένους
καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους ἐπιρίπτειν τοῖς λινύφοις
250καῖ βυσσουργοῖς καὶ πλεπούφοις(*) ἔργα δωρεὰν
μηδὲ μισθῶν ὑφειμένων.
προστετάχασι δὲ μηθένα ἐγγαρεύειν(*)
πλοῖα κατὰ μηδεμίαν παρευρεσι(*)
εἰς τὰς ἰδίας χρείας.
255μηδὲ τοὺς στρα(τηγοὺς) μηδὲ τοὺς ἄλλος(*) τοὺς
πρὸς χρείαις πάντας τῶν τε βασιλικῶν
καὶ πολιτικῶν καὶ ἱερευτικῶν ἀπαγόμενον
μηθένα πρὸς ἴδιον ὀφείλημα ἢ ἀδίκημα
μηδὲ ἰδίας ἐκθρας(*) ἕνεκεν μηδʼ ἐν τα[ῖς]
260οἰκίαις ἢ ἐν ἄλλοις τόποις συνέχειν ἐν εἱ̣[ρκτῆι]
παρευρέσει μηδεμιᾷ, ἐὰν δʼ ἔν τισειν(*)
ἐνκαλῶσειν(*) ἀνάγειν ἐπὶ τὰ ἀποδεδειγμέ[να]
ἐν ἑκάστοις ἀρχεῖα \καὶ λαμβάνειν/ καὶ ὑπέχειν τὸ δίκαιον
κατὰ τὰ προστάγματα καὶ τὰ διαγράμματα. FrA
[ -ca.?- ] βουλομεν[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]ερ̣ τ̣οῦ η[ -ca.?- ] FrB
[ -ca.?- ] τὰς ὑπα̣ρ[χ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]των γεω(ργῶν) [ -ca.?- ] FrC
[ -ca.?- ]αιτ ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ] FrD
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]ων γει̣νο̣[ -ca.?- ] FrE
[ -ca.?- ]τα̣ς̣ [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]ακα̣[ -ca.?- ] FrF
[ -ca.?- ]ι̣ επ̣[ -ca.?- ] FrG
[ -ca.?- ]ν
Traces 4 lines FrH
[ -ca.?- ]α̣τ̣ ̣ντ ̣[ -ca.?- ] FrI
[ -ca.?- ]ε̣ις̣[ -ca.?- ] FrK
[ -ca.?- ] των[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]α̣λ̣[ -ca.?- ] FrL
[ -ca.?- ]τ̣ω̣ν̣[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ] FrM
[ -ca.?- ]αι τ[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]τηις̣[ -ca.?- ] FrN
[ -ca.?- ] κυριο̣[ -ca.?- ]
^ 1trpl.1. BL 5.146 : ἀδελφὴι prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.2. l. [ἀ]φιᾶσι
^ 1trpl.3. l. βασιλείαν
^ 1trpl.5. l. φόνοις
^ 1trpl.5. corr. ex
^ 1trpl.9. corr. ex
^ 1trpl.7. l. [λ]είαις
^ 1trpl.7. l. ἑτέρα<ι>ς
^ 1trpl.8. BL 4.97 : [ἐργ]άσεσθαι prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.9. BL 5.146 : διατα̣[- ca.11 -] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.10. BL 5.146 : [ἀφιᾶσι] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.10. BL 5.146 : τ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ τοὺς] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.11. BL 5.146 : [αὐτο]ὺς prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.11. BL 5.146 : ἀργυ(ρικὴν) [π]ρ̣(όσοδον) prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.12. BL 5.146 : [ὑπὲ]ρ̣ prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.14. BL 5.146 : τι̣ ὥ̣στʼ ε[ἰς] τ̣ὸ̣ κα̣[ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣[ ̣] ̣α τὴν ̣ ̣[ ̣] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.15-16. BL 5.146 : τὰς̣ τ̣α̣[ ̣] ̣ καὶ τὸ ἐπ̣α̣να[ ̣] ̣ια prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.16. BL 5.146 : χο[ ̣ ̣ ̣]τικον prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.16. BL 5.146 : το̣ῦ̣ ν̣β̣ [(ἔτους)] τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] τοῦ αὐ(τοῦ) χρόν[ο]υ prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.17. BL 5.146 : ὁμοίως prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.17. BL 5.146 : [ἀμπε]λιτικῆ̣ς prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.18. l. τὰ ἄλ<λ>α
^ 1trpl.18. BL 5.146 : ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.19. BL 5.146 : στρα(τηγοὺς) ̣[ ̣] ̣τεπε[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.20. BL 5.146 : π̣[αραδ]εδομέν̣ο̣[υ] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.20. BL 5.146 : ι̣[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.21. BL 5.146 : [τοῦ αὐτοῦ χρόνου] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.22. BL 5.146 : το̣[ὺς] prev. ed.
^ 1trpl.24. BL 5.146 : φυλάκων prev. ed.
^ 2.26. l. ἐξαιρέ<σε>ως
^ 2.30. corr. ex μη⟦τ⟧
^ 2.31. l. ὁν[τιν]οῦν
^ 2.31. l. τελεῖσθαι
^ 2.34. BL : παίδ(ων) prev. ed.
^ 2.36. BL 5.146 : [γινέσθω] prev. ed.
^ 2.37. l. ἔχοντας
^ 2.39. l. πλείω
^ 2.40. l. πλει<όν>ων
^ 2.49. l. [ἀφι]ᾶσι
^ 3.51. l. μένειν
^ 3.51. BL 5.146 : λ[ήμψε]σ̣θ̣α̣ι prev. ed.
^ 3.52. corr. ex
^ 3.52. κ]τημάτων[κ]τηματων corr. ex [κ]τηματ⟦α⟧
^ 3.54. l. <τ>ὰ, BL 5.146 : ἃ prev. ed.
^ 3.54. l. τὰ ἄλλα
^ 3.54. l. συγκεκριμένα
^ 3.61. BL 5.146 : σκε[υ]άζειν prev. ed.
^ 3.62. l. παρε[υ]ρ[έ]σει
^ 3.63. l. ἀφιᾶσ[ι]
^ 3.65. l. ἐν
^ 3.65. l. προφητείας
^ 3.68. l. καρπείας
^ 3.73-74. l. ἀνιερωμέ|ν[ω]ν
^ 4.77. l. Μνήυιος
^ 4.79. l. ζῴ<ω>ν
^ 4.81. l. τεταγμένοι
^ 4.81. BL 5.146 : εἰσὶ prev. ed.
^ 4.82. BL 5.146 : [τοῖ]ς prev. ed.
^ 4.82. l. παραχωρεῖν
^ 4.83. l. πρ[ο]στετάχασιν
^ 4.83. BL 3.240 : [ἐκσπᾶν] prev. ed.
^ 4.84. l. παρευρέσει
^ 4.85. l. ἐπεὶ
^ 4.85. l. προσπίπτει
^ 4.85. corr. ex ⟦αν⟧
^ 4.85. l. μείζοσι
^ 4.85. l. εὔσ<ταθμα>
^ 4.86. l. παρηλλαγμένου[ς], BL : παραλα ̣ ̣μ̣ε̣ν̣ου̣[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 4.86. BL 2.2.168 : ε ̣[στα]θμ̣[ᾶσ]θαι prev. ed.
^ 4.87. BL 2.2.168 : τ[ ̣ ̣]ς χ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣]α̣ς prev. ed.
^ 4.89. BL 3.240 : [ ̣] ̣( ) prev. ed.
^ 4.90. l. γῆν, BL 5.146 : <γῆ>ν prev. ed.
^ 4.93. corr. ex κα⟦ι⟧
^ 4.94. BL 5.146 : ἃ̣ς̣ ἂν prev. ed.
^ 4.94. l. κεχερ[σ]ωμένῃ
^ 4.98. BL 5.146 : Ἀλεξα(νδρείας) prev. ed.
^ 4.99. l. \ἠγορακότας/
^ 4.100. l. ὁντινοῦν
^ 5.108. BL 5.146 : μετ̣[ὰ] δ̣ὲ prev. ed.
^ 5.115. BL 5.146 : η̣ [το]ὺ̣ς̣ τελοῦντ[ας] prev. ed.
^ 5.123. l. μένειν
^ 6.129. l. αἰτήσεις
^ 6.130. BL 5.146 : [- ca.10 -]κε̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ prev. ed.
^ 6.132. BL 5.146 : [- ca.10 -]α̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] prev. ed.
^ 6.132-133. BL 5.146 : ἐξακ̣ολουθο[ύντων αὐ]τ[οῖς] prev. ed.
^ 6.135. l. <ἀν>οἰκ[ο]<δο>μεῖν
^ 6.138. l. ἐ<κ>
^ 6.138. l. Πανῶ<ν>
^ 6.141. l. τοῖ<ς>
^ 6.141. l. ἐπιστάταις
^ 6.142. l. [τ]οῖς
^ 6.143. l. ταῖς
^ 6.144-145. l. τετα<γ> |μένους
^ 6.145. l. ὑποτεταγμένους
^ 7.149. l. <ἀν>οικοδομεῖν
^ 7.155. corr. ex
^ 7.156. corr. ex
^ 7.157. l. μελισσουργῶν
^ 7.159. corr. ex
^ 7.161. l. πραγματεία<ι>ς
^ 7.162. corr. ex μη⟦τ⟧
^ 7.167. l. γεωργεῖν
^ 7.170. l. ποκύφους
^ 7.172. BL 5.146; cf. 6.197 : [- ca.10 -]ς prev. ed.
^ 8.174. l. ἕκαστον
^ 8.175. BL 5.146 : καταγείνεται prev. ed.
^ 8.180. corr. ex
^ 8.182. l. ἀγγαρεύειν, BL 1.422 : ἐπαρετεῖν prev. ed.
^ 8.182. corr. ex ιδι⟦αι⟧
^ 8.186. l. ἀνανεώσεις
^ 8.188. l. ἀφιᾶσι
^ 8.192. BL 5.146 : ̣ ̣ ̣⟦⟧ (l. διαπεπραχότων) prev. ed.
^ 8.195. l. φορτί<α>
^ 8.195. l. <ἕ>ως
^ 8.196. l. τὰ
^ 8.200. BL 1.422 : τοὺς <ἄλλους> prev. ed.
^ 8.202. l. καταπεφ<υτ>ευκότας
^ 9.205. l. ἐκ<κ>είμενα
^ 9.209. BL 3.240 : prev. ed.
^ 9.215. BL 5.146 : συνγραφόμενοι prev. ed.
^ 9.218. l. <Αἰ>γυ
^ 9.224. l. τοὺ<ς>
^ 9.225. l. προ<σ>βολὴν
^ 9.225. l. ἄγεσθαι, BL 5.146 : θέσθαι prev. ed.
^ 9.226. corr. ex μηδεμια⟦ν⟧
^ 9.227. BL 5.146 : γενέσθαι prev. ed.
^ 9.229. l. ἀνειργομένων
^ 9.229. l. δι<ὰ>
^ 9.232. corr. ex ⟦τ⟧
^ 9.232. corr. ex ⟦τα⟧
^ 9.233. corr. ex γεωρ⟦γικα⟧
^ 10.235. BL 5.146 : προσ[άγειν -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 10.236. BL 5.146 : ἱερευτικὴ̣ν prev. ed.
^ 10.236. BL 5.146 : ἄ̣λ̣λ̣ην̣ prev. ed.
^ 10.246. BL : βα(σιλέων) prev. ed.
^ 10.250. l. πεπλύφοις
^ 10.252. l. ἀγγαρεύειν, BL 1.422 : ἐπαρετεῖν prev. ed.
^ 10.253. l. παρεύρεσι<ν>
^ 10.255. l. ἄλλο<υ>ς
^ 10.259. l. ἔχθρας
^ 10.261. l. τισιν
^ 10.262. l. ἐνκαλῶσιν
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: chr.wilck.339 [xml]
118 BC Arsinoite
[Reprinted in: p.tebt.1.5] P.Tebt. 1,5.93-8
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: chr.mitt.36 [xml]
133 BC ?
[Reprinted in: p.tebt.1.5] PTebt 1,5,ll 221_47‡7255_64
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: chr.wilck.65 [xml]
118 BC Arsinoite
[Reprinted in: p.tebt.1.5] P.Tebt. 1,5.50-84
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: chr.wilck.260 [xml]
118 BC ?
[Reprinted in: p.tebt.1.5] P.Tebt. 1,5.22-35
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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DDbDP transcription: chr.wilck.307 [xml]
118 BC ?
[Reprinted in: p.tebt.1.5] P.Tebt. 1,5.231-51
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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APIS Translation (English)
(lines 1-13) King Ptolemaios and Queen Kleopatra the sister and Queen Kleopatra the wife proclaim an amnesty to all their subjects for errors, crimes, accusations, condemnations and charges of all kinds up to the 9th of Pharmouthi of the 52nd year, except to persons guilty of wilful murder or sacrilege. And they have decreed that persons who have gone into hiding because they were guilty of theft or subject to other charges shall return to their own homes and resume their former occupations, and their remaining property shall not be sold... And they remit to all persons the arrears up to the same period in respect of both rents in grain and money taxes, except to hereditary lessees who have given a surety. (…) (lines 22-35) And they have decreed that the (officials of the custom-house) shall not … nor seize goods unless they find upon the wharf at the harbours of Alexandria something on which duty has not been paid or of which the importation is forbidden; these they are to bring to the dioiketes. Likewise persons who travel on foot up the country from Alexandria by the land-route which leads … and persons crossing from one tongue of land to another shall have no payment of any kind demanded or exacted from them except the legal duties. Likewise in the case of persons importing goods through the foreign mart … the seizure is to be made at the custom-house itself. (lines 36-64) And they have decreed that all recipients of grants of land and all holders of temple or other land en aphesei, both those who have encroached on the crown land and all others who hold more land than that to which they are entitled, shall, on giving up (?) the excess and declaring themselves and paying a year's rent, be released from payments due from them up to the 51st year, and the legal tenure of their holdings is guaranteed to them. And that the picked forces, and the native soldiers who own ten or seven arouras, and their leaders, and all others placed in that class, and the native marines, and those who … , shall have the legal ownership of the lands which they have possessed up to the … year, and shall not be subject ot accusation of interference. And they remit to every one the arrears of the work-tax. (Lines 50-72) And they have decreed that the temple land and other sacred revenues which belong to the temples shall remain assured to them, and that the temples shall receive the tithes which they used to receive from holding and gardens and other land. And in like manner the appointed sums or what they received from the treasury for the pay of the temples and the other sums granted to them up to the 51st year shall be paid to them regularly, as in the case of their other revenues (?), and no one shall be allowed to take anything from these sources of income. No one shall take away by force anything of what has been dedicated to the gods, nor apply forcible persuasion to the superintendents of the sacred revenue, whether derived from villages or land or other temple revenues, nor shall the tax on associations or the crown-tax or the artaba-tax be paid upon what has been dedicated to the gods, nor shall the temple lands be worked on any pretext, but they shall be left to be administered by the priests. And they remit to the overseers of the temples and the chief priests and priests the arrears on account of both the tax for overseers and the values of woven cloths up to the 50th year. Likewise they remit to holders of honorable offices, or of posts as prophet or scribe, or of other saced offices in the temples, the arrears owed in the temples for the emoluments demanded on certain occasions up to the 50th year. Likewise they remit the penalties incurred by those who have extorted more (than their due) emoluments up to the same period. Likewise to holders of such offices in the lesser temples, both shrines of Isis and feeding places of ibises and hawk-shrines and Anubis-shrines and the like, they remit the corresponding arrears and penalties up to the same period. (…) (Lines 77-82) And they have decreed that the expenses for the burial of Apis and Mnevis should be demanded from the crown revenues, as in the case of the deified personages. Likewise in the case of the other sacred animals the sums required (shall be paid by the crown). (Likewise) those honorable offices and posts as prophet or scribe which have been bought for the temples out of the temple revenus, and of which the prices have been paid, shall remain assured to the temples, but the priests are not permitted to make over these offices to other persons. (Lines 83-84) And they have decreed that no one is to be dragged away of forcibly ejected from the existing places of asylum. (Lines 85-92) And since it sometimes happens that the sitologoi and antigrapheis use larger measures than the correct bronze measures appointed in each nome … in estimating dues to the state, and in consequence the cultivators are made to pay (more than the proper number of choinikes?), they have decreed that the strategoi and the overseers of the revenues and the basilikoi grammateis shall test the measures in the most thorough manner possible in the presence of those concerned in the revenues of … and the priests and the cleruchs and other owners of land en aphesei …, and the measures must not exceed (the government measure) by more than the two … allowed for errors. Those who disobey this decree are punishable with death. (Lines 93-98) And they have decreed that the cultivators of vine-land or gardens throughout the country, if they plant them between the 53rd and 57th years in the land which has become flooded or dry, shall be left untaxed for five years dating from the time at which they plant them, and from the sixth year for three years more they shall be required to pay less than the proper amount, payment being made in the fourth year, but from the ninth year onwards they shall pay the same as the other owners of land in good condition; and that cultivators in the country belonging to Alexandria shall be allowed an extra three years' grace. (Lines 99-101) And they have decreed that those who have bought from the cron houses of vineyards or gardens of other (holdings?) or boats or anything else whatever, shall remain in undisturbed possession, and they shall not have persons quartered in their houses. (…) (Lines 134-146 = 147-167) And they have decreed that owners of houses which have been pulled down or burnt shall be permitted to rebuild them according to the prescribed measurements. And that persons who own private houses in the village shall likewise be allowed to build up their homes to the height of …, and rebuild the temples to the height of 10 cubits, except the inhabitants of Panopolis. No one is to collect anything whatever from the cultivators and the tax-payers and the persons connected with the revenues and the honey-workers and the rest for the benefit of the strategoi or chiefs of the guards or archiphylakitai or oikonomoi or their agents or the other officials. Neither strategoi nor holders of official positions nor their subordinates nor any other persons whatever shall take the richest Crown land from the cultivators by fraud or cultivate it at choice. [lines 147-167 repeat lines 134-146] (Lines 168-177) The following classes, the Greeks serving in the army, the priests, the cultivators of Crown lands, the …, all the wool-weavers and clothmakers, the swineherds, the gooseherds, and makers of …, oil, castor-oil, honey, and beer, who pay the proper sums to the Crown, shall not have persons quartered in the one house in which each of them lives, and in the case of their other buildings which may be used for quarters, not more than half shall be occupied for that purpose. (lines 178-187) And they have decreed that the strategoi and the other officials may not compel any of the inhabitants of the country to work for their private service, nor use their cattle for any purpose of their own, nor force them to feed calves and other animals for sacrifice, nor force them to provide geese or birds or wine or grain at a price or on the occasion of renewals, nor oblige them to work without payment on any pretext whatever. (Lines 188-192) And they remit to the guards throughout the country the penalties incurred by making false returns in connection with the government inspections and the produce which they have lost; and they remit the sums which have been paid them for arrears or for other reasons but which have disappeared, up to the 50th year. (Lines 193-206) And (they have decreed) that those who have failed to deliver to the Crown at a price the oil-yielding produce from cleruchic or temple or other land up to the same period, and those who have failed to supply transport for the assembly are released from the penalties which they have incurred. Likewise that persons who have failed to provide reeds and light material for the embankments (are released from the penalties which they have incurred). Likewise the cultivators of Crown lands, the priests and other owners of land in release, who have failed to plant the proper number of arouras up to the 51st year, are released from the penalties which they have incurred, but the planting (of the proper number) shall be made from the 52nd year onwards. And they remit the penalties incurred by those who have cut down wood on their own property in contravention of the published decrees. (lines 207-220) And they have decreed in cases of Egyptians who bring actions against Greeks and in case of Greeks who bring actions against Egyptians, or of Egyptians against Egyptians, with regard to all classes except the cultivators of Crown land and the tax-payers and all others connected with the revenues, that where Egyptians make an agreement with Greeks by contracts written in Greek they shall give and receive satisfaction before the chrematistai; but where Greeks make agreements by contracts written in Egyptian they shall give satisfaction before the native judges in accordance with the national laws; and that suits of Egyptians against Egyptians shall not be dragged by the chrematistai into their own courts, but they shall allow them to be decided before the native judges in accordance with the national laws. (Lines 221-247) And they have decreed that collectors of foreign debts must not on any pretext whatever get control over the persons of the cultivators of Crown land or the tax-payers or the others whom the previously issued decrees forbid to be brought up for accusation; but the executions in cases which come before the collectors shall be levied upon the rest of the debtor's property which is not exempted by the following decree. And they have decreed that in the case of cultivators of Crown land the collectors shall not sell up one house containing their working implements, or their cattle or other equipment necessary for cultivation, nor shall they apply the working implements to working temple land or any other on any pretext whatever. And in the same way they shall not sell the cloth-waeving tools of the cloth-weavers and the byssus-makers and the wool-weavers and all persons engaged in similar trades on any pretext whatever; nor shall any other persons take possession of or use the tools required for cloth-weaving or byssus-manufacture than the tax-payers themselves and the byssus-workers, who alone shall use them in the temples themselves for the service of the sovereigns and the vestments of the other gods. (Lines 248-251) And (they have decreed) that no one holding an official position or any one else shall impose labor upon the cloth-weavers and byssus-workers and robe-weavers gratis or at reduced wages. (Lines 252-264) And they have decreed that no one may appropriate boats for his own use on any pretext whatever. And that neither the strategoi nor any others who are in charge of the Crown, State or sacred interests may arrest any one for a private debt or offence or owing to a private quarrel and keep him imprisoned in their houses or anywhere else on any pretext whatever; but if they accuse any one, they shall bring him before the magistrates appointed in each nome, and shall receive or give satisfaction in accordance with the decrees and regulations.