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p.tebt.2.284 = HGV P.Tebt. 2 284 = Trismegistos 42987 = berkeley.apis.534

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.284 [xml]

I sac Tebtynis

Λυσίμαχος Τααρμιύσι
τῆι ἀδελ(φῇ) χαίρειν. ἐπικέ-
κριταί μοι μὴ καταβῆ-
ναι ἕως τῆς κε, καὶ
5ὡς θέλει ὁ Σεκνεβτῦ(νις)(*)
ὁ κύριος θεὸς καταβή-
σομαι ἐλευθέρω̣ς̣. σ̣ὺ δὲ
ἱκανήν μου σὺν τοῖς
παιδίος(*)περὶ τῆς λιτα-
10νήας(*)   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ἐ̣ὰ̣ν̣ ἐ̣ξ̣ εὐ-
τυχί̣α̣σ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣τὰ παιδία
καὶ̣ α̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ω̣σιν μη-
δὲ π̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣
λην κ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ἐ̣ὰν κατα-
15βῶ. κα̣ὶ̣ σ̣ε̣α̣υ̣τῆς ἐπιμ̣(έλου)(*) ἵνʼ ὑ(γιαίνῃς)
ἔ[ρ]ρ̣ω̣(σο(?)). (ἔτους) ι̣β̣ Χοί(ακ) κ.


^ 5. l. Σοκνεβτῦ(νις)
^ 9. l. παιδίο<ι>ς
^ 9-10. l. λιτα|νείας
^ 15. BL 8.491 : ἐπιμ̣(ελομένη) prev. ed.

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APIS Translation (English)

Lysimachos to his sister Taarmiysis, greeting. It has been decided for me that I should not go down till the 25th; and as Soknebtynis the mighty god wills it I will go with boldness. And do you together with the children � concerning the supplication, if by good fortune � if I go; and take care of yourself so as to remain in good health. Good-bye. The 12th year, Choiak 20.