sign in

p.tebt.2.351 = HGV P.Tebt. 2 351 Z. 5 - 8 = P.Tebt. 2 351 Z. 1 - 4 = Trismegistos 28420 = berkeley.apis.737

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.351 [xml]

II spc Tebtynis

Εὐδαιμονὶς Ἀπολ(λωνίου) προσφο(ρᾶς) οἰκί(ας) ἐν κώ(μῃ) Τεπ(τύνει) δοθείσης αὐτῇ
ὑπὸ τῆς μητ(ρὸς) Ταορσενούφεως Κρονίωνος συνερχο(μένῃ) τῷ ὁμο-
μητ(ρίῳ) ἀδελ(φῷ) Κρονίωνι Ἁρποκ(ράτου) τέλ(ος) (δραχμαὶ) δ.
ἔγρα(ψεν) Ἀλέξα(νδρος) Ἑρ̣μ̣ί[ο(υ).]
5Δίδυμος Καλλινίκου τοῦ Διδύμου ἀπὸ Συριακῆς (ἡμίσους) μέρους
οἰκιδ(ίου) κλ̣ιβ̣αν̣ί̣ου ἐν κώ(μῃ) Τεπ(τύνει) παρὰ Τυράννου Παώπεως
(δραχμῶν) χ τέλ(ος) (δραχμαὶ) ξϛ̣ σ̣(υμβολικὰ) (τριώβολον).
ἔγρ[α(ψεν)] ὁ α(ὐτός).

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APIS Translation (English)

Eudaimonis daughter of Apollonios has paid the tax upon the present of a house in the village of Tebtunis given to her by her mother Taorsenouphis daughter of Kronion on her marriage with her brother on the mother's side Kronion son of Harpokrates, 4 drachmas. Written by Alexander son of Hermias. Didumos son of Kallinikos son of Didumos, of the Syrian quarter, has paid the tax upon the half share of a small bake-house in the village of Tebtunis sold to him by Tyrannus son of Paopis for 600 drachmas, 66 (?) drachmas, for the receipt 3 obols. Written by the same.