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p.tebt.2.409 = HGV P.Tebt. 2 409 = Trismegistos 13561 = berkeley.apis.331

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.409 [xml]

AD 5 Tebtynis

Δωρίων Ἀκουσιλάωι [τ]ῶι
διοικητῆι πλεῖστα χαίρειν
καὶ διὰ παντὸς ὑγιαίνειν. ἐπὶ
τῆς πόλεώς σε ἠρώτησα δούς σοι
5(δραχμὰς) ιβ ὅπως Λυσιμάχῳ δοις(*) καὶ ἐ-
ρωτήσῃς αὐτὸν οἱ̣πὲρ(*) ἐμοῦ ὅπως
γ τελήους(*) μοικλ̣ε̣α̣ς(*) συντόμως
πέμψηι, εἰδὼ[ς ὅ]τι ἐξιουσίαν(*)
αὐτῶν ἔχει καὶ Λυσίμαχος καὶ σύ.
10[σὲ] δὲ ἠρώτησα, φ̣ί̣[λτ]ατέ μου,
εἰδὼς ὅτι ἐπι̣τ̣[ήδιό]ν(*) [σο]ι [κ]α̣ὶ
καλοὺς ἕξωι(*) καὶ τελήους(*) καὶ εὐ-
νοικοὺς διὰ σέ. ἔρρω(σο). (ἔτους) λδ Καίσαρος Π[α]ῦ(νι) κα.
[εἰς] π̣[ό]λ̣ιν Ἀκοῦτι διοικητῆι.


^ r.5. l. δῷς
^ r.6. l. ὑπὲρ
^ r.7. l. τελείους
^ r.7. l. μύκλους
^ r.8. l. ἐξουσίαν
^ r.11. l. ἐπιτ[ήδειό]ν
^ r.12. l. ἕξω
^ r.12. l. τελείους

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APIS Translation (English)

Dorion to Akousilaos the dioiketes, very many greetings and wishes for continued health. At the metropolis I gave you 12 drachmas and asked you to give them to Lysimachos and ask him on my behalf to send me at once 3 he-asses without blemish, for I knew that both Lysimachos and you had plenty of them. I asked you, dear friend, since I knew that it was convenient for you, and that I shall have fine animal without blemish and good-tempered with your help. Good-bye. The 34th year of Caesar, Payni 21. (Addressed on the verso) To Akous, dioiketes, at the city.