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p.tebt.2.578 = HGV P.Tebt. 2 578 = Trismegistos 13619 = berkeley.apis.1124

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.578 [xml]

AD 198-9? Tebtynis

1/13Πλ[ο]υτίων ἐν κλήρῳ πρακ(τορίας) σιτικ(ῶν) κώ(μης) Ταλεὶ Διδύμου(*) Λε[ο]ντ[άρ]χου διὰ τῶν τέκνω(ν). ἔσχον παρὰ σοῦ πυροῦ ἀρτάβας πέντε ὑπὲρ ὧν ὀφίλις(*) δημοσίων ὑπὲρ γενή(ματος) ζ (ἔτους), ἃς καὶ μετρήσω γ̣εναμένῳ σοι


^ 1/13. l. Διδύμῳ
^ 1/13. l. ὀφείλεις

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APIS Translation (English)

Ploution, collector-designate of grain taxes at Tali to Didymos son of Leontarchos through his children. I have received from you five artabas which you owed for public dues for the crop of the 7th year, which I will measure out �