sign in

p.theon.12 = HGV P.Theon. 12 = Trismegistos 15871 = michigan.apis.1468

DDbDP transcription: p.theon.12 [xml]

AD 156/7 Oxyrhynchite

Παπωντῶς(*) ὁ καὶ Πατᾶς
προστάτης κάτω οὐσίας
καὶ ἄνω οὐσ(ίας) Ματρέᾳ
τῷ τιμιωτάτῳ χαίρειν.
5ἐάν σοι δόξῃ, κύριε, ἐπίσ-
τιλον(*) Ἐπιμᾶτι καὶ
Ἡρᾶτι εἰς μεταφορὰς
ἀχύρου εἰς καύσιον κού-
φων κεραμίου(*) κάτω οὐ-
10σίας πλάσεως εἰκοστ̣οῦ
ἐτο(*), ὧν [λ]όγο̣ν̣ [δ]ώσω,
[δρα]χ̣μ̣[ὰς ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣  ̣


^ 1. l. Παποντῶς
^ 5-6. l. ἐπίσ|τειλον
^ 9. l. κεραμείου
^ 11. l. ἔτο<υς>

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APIS Translation (English)

"Papontos, alias Patas, overseer of the lower estate and upper estate, to the most honorable Matreas, greetings.;If it should seem best to you, lord, send to Epimas and Heras for trasnporting chaff for firing the pots in the pottery establishment of the lower for the production of the twentieth year (x drachmas), for which I shall furnish an accounting . . . "