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p.wisc.2.79 = HGV P.Wisc. 2 79 = Trismegistos 13726 = wisconsin.apis.5442 = sb.8.9865

DDbDP transcription: p.wisc.2.79 [xml]

AD 108 Karanis
[Reprinted from: sb.8.9865] SB8,9865

ἔτους ἕνδ[ε]κ̣[άτο]υ̣ Αὐ̣τοκράτο̣ρ̣ο̣ς̣ Κ̣αίσαρος
Νέρουα Τραι(*)[α]ν̣[οῦ] Σεβαστοῦ Γερ̣[μ]α̣νικοῦ
Δακικοῦ εἴργ(ασται) ἐφʼ ἡ(μέρας) ε ὑπ(ὲρ) χωμ(ατικῶν) ἔρ̣γ(ων) τοῦ
α(ὐτοῦ) ια̣ (ἔτους) ἐν καιν̣ῇ̣ ἑξα̣θ(ύρῳ) Παῦνι κθ
5ω  ̣ι̣ς̣ ἕ̣ω̣(ς) Ἐπεὶφ γ Καρανίδος
Κράτης Σωκρά̣(του) τοῦ Μύσθου
μ̣η̣(τρὸς) Θαήσιος.
Ἰσί̣δωρο̣ς̣ σεσ̣η(μείωμαι).


^ 2. τραϊ[α]ν̣[ου] papyrus

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APIS Translation (English)

The eleventh year of the emperor Caesar Nerva Trajanus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus. Has worked for 5 days in fulfillment of his obligations of the same 11th year for work on the embankments in the new six-gate sluice Payni 29 --- to Epeiph 3 on behalf of Karanis, Krates, son of Sokrates and Thaesis, grandson of Myshthes. I, Isidoros, have signed it.