DDbDP transcription: sb.14.12022 [xml]
AD 100 Psenarpsenesis
Ἀρσινοείτ̣(ου) Ἡ̣ρα(κλείδου) μερίδ(ος)
παρὰ Σοκμήν̣εως Μου[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
τῶν ἀπὸ κώ[μης Ψεναρψενήσε]ως.
5νυκτὶ τῇ φ̣ε̣ρ̣[ούσῃ εἰς τὴ]ν̣ η̣
τοῦ ἐνεστ[ῶτος μηνὸς Ἐπεὶφ(?)]
ἐκλέπτ̣η̣(*) μου λῃστρ[ικῷ τρόπῳ]
ἀπ[ὸ] τοῦ ὑπάρχοντός μοι [περὶ Ψε-]
ναρψενῆσιν ἐλαιῶνο[ς ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
10[μ]έναι ἐλᾶς (ἀρτάβαι) β [- ca.10 -]
δοκῶν ἐλαίνω[ν - ca.10 -]
νων καὶ ἄλλ[- ca.13 -]
δήποτε οὖν α̣ὐτ̣ω̣[ ̣ ̣. διὸ ἀξιῶ]
τὴν ἀναζήτ̣η̣σιν τῶ[ν ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
15γενέσθαι πρὸς τὸ αὐτὸν ταῦτ̣[α (δια)πράξαντα(?)]
τυχεῖν τῶν ἁρμοζόντ[ων. -ca.?- ]
Σοκ̣μ(ῆ)ν̣ις (ἐτῶν) δ̣[ ̣ -ca.?- ]
(ἔτους) γ Αὐτοκράτορο[ς Καίσαρος]
Νέρουα Τραιανοῦ [Σεβαστοῦ Ἐπείφ (?) ̣]
20(hand 2) διπ[ -ca.?- ]
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
To Claudius Areius, strategus of the division of Herakleides in the Arsinoite nome, from Sokmenis, son of Mou..., of the village of Psenarpsenesis. On the night before the eighth of the current month ... was thievishly stolen from me, from the olive yard belonging to me in the neighbourhood of Psenarpsenesis, two artabai of (gathered?) olives, and ... of beams of olive wood ... and ... other ... whatever ... (Therefore I request) that there be made an inquiry into the matter, in order that the culprit may get the appropriate punishment. Signature. The third year of Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Augustus ... Note of the strategus (?).