sign in

sb.14.12083 = HGV SB 14 12083 = Trismegistos 26586 = michigan.apis.1500

DDbDP transcription: sb.14.12083 [xml]

II spc ?

[  ̣  ̣  ̣]μ̣ιλι[  ̣  ̣] Ὡ̣ρείωνι τῶι
φιλτάτωι χαίρειν.
[τὸ] σήκωμα ὃ ἔλεγες δεδωκέ-
[ν]αι τῷ Ὀρνειθᾷ τῷ καμηλεί-
5τῃ(*), ἐὰν μὴ ἦν ἤδη παρακομι-
[στ]ὸν ἐνθάδε, σὺ ἀνερχόμενος
[ἐν]θ̣άδε σπούδασον αὐτὸ πα-
[ρα]κομίσαι, ἐπεὶ ὡς οἶδας ἡ χρεί-
[α αὐ]τοῦ κατεπείγει. ὅρα οὖν
10[μὴ] ἀμελήσῃς. (hand 2) ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι, φίλτατ(ε).


^ 4-5. l. καμηλί |[τ]ῃ

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APIS Translation (English)

". . . to my dearest Horion, greetings. The sekoma-measure that you said you had given to Ornithas the camel driver, if it has not already been brought here, do you hasten to come up here and bring it, since as you know there is pressing need of it. See therefore that you do not neglect it." (2nd hd.):"I pray for your health, my dearest friend."