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sb.16.12563 = HGV SB 16 12563 = Trismegistos 44381 = michigan.apis.2654

DDbDP transcription: sb.16.12563 [xml]

AD 201 Apias

Αὐρηλίῳ Ἀλεξάνδρῳ στρα(τηγῷ) Ἀρσι(νοίτου)
Θε(μίστου) καὶ Πολ(έμωνος) μερίδων καὶ Κασιανῷ
βασιλ(ικῷ) γρα(μματεῖ) Θε(μίστου) μερίδο(ς) καὶ κωμογρα(μματεῖ)
κώμης Ἀπιάδος
5παρὰ Ἀγχώφεως Στοτοήτεως
ἱερέως θεῶν κώμης Σοκνοπ(αίου)
Νήσου. ἀπογρά(φομαι) κατὰ τὰ κελ(ευσθέντα) ὑπὸ Πομ-
πηίου Κελεάρις τοῦ κρατίστου ἐπιτρόπ(ου)
τὰς ὑπαρχούσας μοι περὶ κώ(μην) Ἀπιάδα
10κλήρου κατοικ(ικοῦ) (ἀρούρας) ε ἐν τόπῳ
(δεκαπενταρούρῳ) λεγομ(ένῳ) ἠβροχηκ(υίας) τῷ ἐνεστῶτι
θ (ἔτει). διὸ ἐπιδ(ίδωμι).
(hand 2) Παποντῶς κωμογρα(μματεὺς) ἔσχον τούτο(*) τὸ
ἴσον ἄχρι ἐξ(ετάσεως) Φα(μενὼθ) κδ.


^ 13. l. τούτο<υ>

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

To Aurelius Alexandros, strategos of the Arsinoite nome, Themistos and Polemon divisions; Casianus, royal secretary of the division of Themistos; and the village secretary of the village of Apias, from Anchophis, son of Stotoetis, priest of the gods of the village of Soknopaiou Nesos. I declare, in accordance with the orders issued by the most excellent procurator, Pompeius Cerealis, 5 arourai of a catoecic allotment which to me near the village of Apias in the place called "the 15 arourai", as unwatered in the current 9th year. Wherefore I present this declaration.;(2nd hand) I, Papontos, village secretary, have received a copy of this declaration for examination. Phamenoth 24.