sign in

sb.16.12607 = HGV SB 16 12607 = Trismegistos 26741 = michigan.apis.1969

DDbDP transcription: sb.16.12607 [xml]

II/III spc ?

[Δι]ονύσιος Ἑρμῇ καὶ Διοσκορᾷ τοῖς
[τι]μιωτάτ[οις] χαίρειν.
[με]τέλαβον ἀπ̣[ὸ   ̣  ̣]ω̣νος τοῦ ἐπισκέπτου ὅτι
οἱ πολλοὶ τῶν ἀ̣[παιτ]ουμένων οὐκ ἀποκρεί-
5νονται(*) διὰ τ[ὴν τῶ]ν γενῶν εὐωνίαν.
ἔλεγεν γὰρ τὸν [πυρὸ]ν̣ εἶναι παρʼ ὑμεῖν(*) δραχμῶν
δώδεκα . καὶ τ[οῦτο] ἀκούσασα Θεοδώρα ἡ μι-
κρὰ ἠθέλησεν [κομίζ]εσθαι αὐτῇ \ὑμᾶς/ ὅσον ἐὰν δύ-
νησθε. εἰ οὖν ἐ[στι τ]οῦτου(*), ἀγοράσατε ὅσας ἐὰν
10δύνησθε ἀρτάβας [πυροῦ] ταλάντων δύο , μ̣ό̣νον
καλοῦ σπέρμ[ατος] καθαροῦ, καὶ δηλώσατέ μοι
ποταπῷ μέτ̣[ρῳ ἀπο]λαμβάνετε. ὅσον οὖν ἐὰν
ἀγοράσητε δη[λώσατέ μοι] ἵνα εἰς ἐφημερίδα τὴν
[τ]ε̣[ι]μ̣ὴν(*) [γράψω ἐ]φʼ ὑμ[ῖ]ν̣ [  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
15[Ἑρμῇ καὶ Διοσκορᾷ τοῖς] φροντισταῖς


^ r.4-5. l. ἀποκρί |νονται
^ r.6. l. ὑμῖν
^ r.9. l. [τ]οῦτο
^ r.14. l. τιμὴν

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

"Dionysios to the most esteemed Hermes and Dioskoros, greeting. I learned from the inspector . . . that the majority of those who are being dunned for taxes do not respond because of the cheapness of the crops. For he was saying that wheat is going in your locality for twelwe drachmas. And when she heard this, the little Theodora wished you to get for her as much as you can. If then this is the situation, buy however many artabas of wheat as you can for two talents, but only good clean seed, and let me know with what measure you receive it. However much therefore you buy let me know so that I may enter the price in the account of daily expenses in your name . . .";(Verso): "To Hermes and Dioskoras, the estate-managers."