DDbDP transcription: sb.16.12675 [xml]
100 BC? Tebtynis
[Reprinted from: p.tebt.1.131] PTebt1,131
ἔτους ιδ Παχὼν κθ λόγος
Πετερμοῦθις(*) δεκτων(*)
τοχῆς(*) Κριτῶν(*)
οἴνου α Βτ
5ἄρτων ιθ ἀνὰ ιε ⟦σ⟧ (γίνονται) σπε
ὀρκτηξ(*) ρμ
κυ\ά/μους ν
ὀξις(*) μ
ἐλαίου δ´ ν
10ἅλα κ
κολυκιντος(*) λ
κραβιν(*) κ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
ἀθήρα ο ̣[ -ca.?- ]
(γίνονται) ψε
15(γίνεται) τὸ πᾶν (χαλκοῦ) Γε
ἀνὰ Απ (πυροῦ) ἀρταβῶν β 𐅵 γ´ ̣ι̣ε̣[ -ca.?- ]
Παρμοῦθις ιε Ὧρος Ἀμεν( ) ⟦γ⟧ ϛ ἀ[νὰ ϛ]
Παχὼν δ Ὧρος Ἀμενεῦς(*)
ἡμήρας(*) κγ ἀνὰ ϛ, (γίνεται) τὸ <πᾶν> (πυροῦ) ἀρταβῶ̣[ν δ 𐅵 γ´]
20πεστοφόρου(*) α γ´ λο(ιπὸν(?)) (ἀρτάβης) 𐅷 ̣ 𐅵 ε ̣[ -ca.?- ]
Παῦνι β ἀρταβῶν β 𐅷 Μεσορή [ -ca.?- ]
Πετοσῖρις Μάρρης(*) β 𐅷 v
[ -ca.?- ]δ ἡμήρας(*) λ ἀνὰ υ (γίνονται) (τάλαντα) β
[ -ca.?- ] Ἀμεννεὺς Δπ
25[ -ca.?- Πε]τεσοῦχος Μαρων(*) Β
[ -ca.?- (γίνεται) τ]ὸ πᾶν (χαλκοῦ) (τάλαντα) γ π (ὧν) (τάλαντα) β Δχ, λο(ιπαὶ) Αυπ
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APIS Translation (English)
Year 14, Pachon 29, account of Petermouthis, carpenter, for Kriton's reception: wine, 1 [keramion] 2300 [drachmas]; bread, 19 [loaves at 15 [dr.] apiece, 285; quail 140; beans 50; vinegar cruet 40; oil, 1/4 [kotyle] 50; salt 20; pumpkin 30; decoction of cabbage 20; porridge 70; (sub-total:) 705. This makes a grand total of 3005 (bronze drachmas), which, at the rate of 1080 [dr.] makes 2 5/6 artabas (of wheat). Pharmouthi 15, Horos son of Amenneus, 6 [days] at [1/6], Pachon 4, Horos son of Amenneus, 23 days at 1/6 [art.] per day, make a grand total of [4 5/6] art. {of wheat). For the pastophoros, 1 1/3, remainder: 2/3 art. (?). Payni 2, for the artaba-tax, 2 2/3 Mesore -- Petosiris son of Marres, 2 2/3. (Verso) -- (month) 4th, 30 days at 400 [dr.] per day make 2 (talents). --- Amenneus 4080 [dr.] --- Petesouchos son of Maron 2000 The grand total is 3 (bronze) (talents), 80 [dr.]. Subtract 2 (tal.) 4600 [dr.]. Remainder: 1480 [dr.]