sign in

sb.18.13613 = HGV SB 18 13613 = Trismegistos 30984 = michigan.apis.2066

DDbDP transcription: sb.18.13613 [xml]

III spc ?

τ[ῷ κυρίῳ μου Ἑ]ρμῆ[τι] τῷ π[α-]
τ[ρὶ] Κο[πρῆς χαί]ριν(*)· π[ρὸ] μὲν [πάν-]
τ[ω]ν [εὔχομαί σε] υἱ(*)έν[ιν](*) καὶ τ[ὸ προσ-]
κύνημ[ά σου ποι]ῶ̣ κατʼ [ἑ]κάστην
5ἡμέρα[ν] παρὰ τοῖς πατ̣[ρ]όͅις(*) θεοῖς.
διὸ οὖν [ἔγ]ραψά συ(*) ἄλλοτε περὶ τοῦ
γεναμέ[ν]ου πέντους(*) πάν-
των αἱ̣ν̣κε(*) τοῦ ἐπιστ̣άτου
μου Ἑρμα̣τίονος. διὸ οὖν ἐξερχό-
10μενος ἔνεκέ(*) μοι ῥιτίνην(*) καὶ σφα-
τία(*) εἰς ἐργάζιν(*) καὶ τὸ ταλάριον,
ὃ εἶπέν συ(*).
ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι.
(hand 2) Traces
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
15,msἐνεκέ(*) μοι ὑποδήματα.
[Κοπρῆς] Ἑ̣[ρμ]ῆτι πατρί.
ἀπόδος ☓ Ἑρμῆτι ἀπὸ


^ r.2. l. [χαί]ρειν
^ r.3. l. ὑγιαίνειν : υϊεν[ιν] papyrus
^ r.5. l. πατρῴοις
^ r.6. l. σοι
^ r.7. l. πένθους
^ r.8. l. ἕνεκε
^ r.10. l. ἔνε<γ>κέ
^ r.10. l. ῥητίνην
^ r.10-11. l. σπα |θία
^ r.11. l. ἐργάζειν
^ r.12. l. σοι
^ r.15,ms. l. ἐνε<γ>κέ
^ v.3. l. Κοπρέους

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APIS Translation (English)

"To my lord Hermes, my father, Kopres, greetings. Before all things I pray for your health and I make daily obeisance for you in presence of our ancestral gods. Therefore now I wrote to you at another time about the sorrow which took hold of all because of my overseer Hermation. Therefore now come out and bring me resin and spattles to work with and the basket which he told you. I pray for your good health. In margine sinistra: Bring me sandals.";(Verso): "Copres to Hermes, his father. Deliver to Hermes from Copres."