sign in

sb.18.13903 = HGV SB 18 13903 = Trismegistos 25350 = michigan.apis.2284

DDbDP transcription: sb.18.13903 [xml]

I spc Karanis

Ἁρποχρᾶς Τεκο[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
ἀπὸ Κερκεσούχ[ων]
παρὰ Κάστορο(ς) τ[οῦ]
Παποντῶτος ἀπ[ὸ κώμης]
5Καρανίδος τῆς [Ἡρακλ-]
είδου μερίδος. β[ούλομ-]
αι μισθώσασθαι [εἰς]
χόρτον κοπῆς [καὶ ξηρα-]
σίας ὧν γεωργῖς(*) [ἀρουρῶν]
10πρότερον Γερμ[ανικια-]
νῆς οὐσίας περ[ὶ Κερκε-]
σ[ο]ῦ[χ]α τῆς α̣ὐ̣τ[ῆς]
[μερίδος ἀρούρας]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ 9. l. γεωργεῖς

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APIS Translation (English)

To Harpochras, son of Tekton(?), from Kerkesoucha, from Kastor, son of Papontos, from the [village] of Karanis in the Herakleides division. I want to lease for cutting and drying hay from the [arourai] which you cultivate and which formerly belonged to the estate of Germanicus near Kerkesoucha in the same [division so and so much arourai . . .]