sign in

sb.22.15767 = HGV SB 22 15767 = Trismegistos 41726 = michigan.apis.3535 = michigan.apis.3396

DDbDP transcription: sb.22.15767 [xml]

II sac Arsinoite

γρ(  )
τῶι στρα(τηγῶι) Μέμφεως
καὶ τῶι ἐπ(ιστάτηι) τῶν φυ(λακιτῶν)
5καὶ Θέωνι τῶι ἐπ(ιστάτηι)
καὶ Πτολεμαίωι
τῶι οἰκον(όμωι) καὶ
ὑ̣πὲρ τῶν ἀνακε-
10χω(ρηκέναι)(*)  ̣⟧ ἐκ τῆς(*) φυ(λακῆς)(*)
Ἰσίδωρον καὶ Ἡρα(κλείδην)(*)
τε(λώνας) ἀπομοίρας
Σεβε̣{φ}ννύ(του)(*) ὀφείλον(τας)
καὶ τῶι δι(οικητῆι)(*)


^ 8. W. Clarysse, APF 48 (2002) 101 : Φανείᾳ τῶι prev. ed.
^ 9-10. W. Clarysse, APF 48 (2002) 101 : ἀνακε |χω(ρηκότων) prev. ed.
^ 10. W. Clarysse, APF 48 (2002) 101 : δεκαν(ῶι) τῶν prev. ed.
^ 10. W. Clarysse, APF 48 (2002) 101 : φυ(λακιτῶν) prev. ed.
^ 11. W. Clarysse, APF 48 (2002) 101 : Τωρα̣(  ) prev. ed.
^ 13. or Σε(  ) βεφννθ(  ), W. Clarysse (digital image) (via PN) : Σεβε̣ννύ(του) W. Clarysse, APF 48 (2002) 101 : σε(  )   ̣φ̣ν̣ο̣ν  ̣(  ) prev. ed.
^ 14. W. Clarysse, APF 48 (2002) 101 : δι(  ) prev. ed.

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APIS Translation (English)

"Write (?) to Dexilaos, the strategos of Memphis, and to the head of the police and to Theon, the head, and to Ptolemaios, the oikonomos, and to Phaneias, the policemen in charge of the anakechorekotes, that Isidoros and Tora(), tax farmers of the apomoira, have reported (?) people by name (?) who owe 550 (?) drachmas (?). And so and so . . . "