sign in

sb.22.15785 = HGV SB 22 15785 = Trismegistos 41709 = michigan.apis.2813

DDbDP transcription: sb.22.15785 [xml]

AD 304- Karanis

[Οὐαλ]ε̣ρίωι Εὐηθείω[ι](*)
[τῶι δια]σ̣ημοτάτωι καθολ[ικῶι]
[παρὰ Αὐρ]ηλίω̣ν Ἀχιλλᾶ Ἀντ[ωνί-]
[νου κα]ὶ Πτολλᾶ δ̣ι̣[ὰ] τ̣οῦ παρ[όν-]
5[τος ἀ]μφοτέρων̣ κωμαρ[χῶν κώ-]
[μης Κ]α̣ρανίδος ἀσχ̣ολη[σαμέ-]
[νων <τὴν κωμαρχίαν> τ]οῦ ιϛ (ἔτους) καὶ ιε (ἔτους) καὶ η (ἔτους) [καὶ]
[Εὐ]δ̣αίμονος καὶ Παλή[μωνος]
[ἀμφ]οτέρων κωμαρχ̣ῶ̣[ν τοῦ ἐννε-]
10[ακαιδ]ε̣κ̣άτου (ἔτους) καὶ ιη (ἔτους) [καὶ ια (ἔτους)]
[εἰσδίδομ]εν εἰς ὑπη̣[ρεσίαν]
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣ω̣μίο̣υ̣ [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]σα πρεσ̣[β- ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
Traces 1 line
15-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ 1. l. Εὐηθίωι

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

To Valerius Euetheios, the most eminent katholikos, from Aurelius Achillas, son of Antoninus, and Aurelius Ptollas, represented by the one present, both comarchs [of the village] of Karanis having been in function in the 16th and 15th and 8th year, and from Aurelius Eudaimon and Aurelius Palemon, both comarchs for the nineteenth and 18th and 11th year. We nominate for the service of [- - -]