sign in

sb.24.15975 = HGV SB 24 15975 = Trismegistos 45513 = michigan.apis.1311

DDbDP transcription: sb.24.15975 [xml]

AD 524/5? Aphrodito

† δέδωκεν Ἀπολλῶς Διοσκόρου δ(ιὰ) Φοιβάμμωνος ὑπὲρ δημ(οσίων) γ καταβολ(ῆς) τρίτης ἰνδ(ικτίωνος) κερ(άτια) ὀκτώ, γί(νεται) κ(εράτια) η.
οἱ ἐνδοξ(ότατοι) πάγαρχοι δ(ιʼ) ἐμοῦ Φοιβάμμωνος ὑποδέκτ(ου) ἐξέδωκα τὸ ἐντάγι(ον) ὡς πρόκ(ειται) (ὑπὲρ) διαγρ(αφῆς) ὄβρ(υζα) κερ(άτια) τρία ἥμισυ,
γί(νεται) κε(ράτια) γ 𐅵. † ((tachygraphic-marks))

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APIS Translation (English)

(Recto);;(Remnants of a preceding text);;(Cross) Apollos, son of Dioskoros, has given through Phoibammon as third installment for the public taxes of the third indiction, eight carats, total 8 carats. The most illustrious pagarchs, through me Phoibammon, tax-collector: I have issued the receipt as written above, for the diagraphe, three and a half carats in the full standard, total 3 1/2 carats. (Cross) (Tachygraphy).;;(Verso);;(Remnants of one line).