sign in

sb.28.17263 = HGV SB 28 17263 = Trismegistos 139797 = oslo.apis.104

DDbDP transcription: sb.28.17263 [xml]

βρέυειον(*) κτηνῶν
/ πόλεως δι(ὰ) Χαιρήμωνος
κτήν(η) ιη
5Στράτονος(*) κτή(νη) ⟦ϛ⟧ ι
Πιαβάνεως κ(αὶ) Λώρου κτήν(η) ι
Σευήρου κτήν(η) ε
/ Τουρουβέστις κτήν(η) δ
⁦ vac. ? ⁩
(γίνεται) κτήν(η) νγ


^ 1. l. βρέουιον
^ 5. l. Στράτωνος

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

List of animals to be treated with an emollient (or, to be padded): from the metropolis through Chairemon: 18 animals; from the village of Straton: 10 animals; from the hamlets of Piabanes and of Loros: 10 animals; from the hamlet of Severus: 5 animals; from the hamlet of Touroubestis: 4 animals. In total, 53 animals.