rovisions as aforesaid. Stotoétis son of Panephrummis wrote on her behalf since she is illiterate. 10  I, Tanephrummis daughter of Onnophris and Stotoétis, have bought the aforesaid house in the aforesaid village (?) from Thaésis as aforesaid.
12  Copy of the ὑπογραφή of both parties and of the docket of the record-office.


1  Copy of a loan. The 19th year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, the 25th of the month Apellaeus, Phaophi 25, in Socnopaei Nesus in the division of Heraclides of the Arsinoite nome. Tanephrummis daughter of Onnophris, aged about 50 years, with a scar on the shin and right foot, with her guardian her son Onnophris son of Tesenouphis, aged about 30 years, with a scar on the right eyebrow, has lent —,
12 I, Thaésis daughter of Panephrummis, aged about 30 years, with a scar on the right foot, a Persian, with my guardian my husband Harpagathes son of Tesenouphis, aged about 35 years, with a scar below the right knee, have received the capital sum of 100 drachmae of coined silver at the interest of one drachma per mina per month, which I will pay back in the month Sebastus of the coming roth year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus ; 23  if I do not pay as appointed, (I will forfeit) 250 drachmae. The subscriber of the lender is Stotoétis son of Panephrummis aged about 51 years, with a scar in the middle of his forehead; and of the borrower, Herieus son of Herieus, aged about 25 years, with no distinguishing mark.
31 Copy of the subscription and of the docket of the record-office at Socnopaei Nesus. (Translation: A.S. Hunt, P.Ryl. 2 160 C)

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AD 12 Elephantine


Ψανμοῦς πράκ(τωρ). διέγραψ(εν) Πετεῆσ[ις(?)]
δοῦλος Ὀννῶφρις προφήτης(*)
ὑπ(ὲρ) μερισμ(οῦ) διπλ(ῶν) ιθ (ἔτους) ῥ(υπαρὰς) (δραχμὰς) β (διώβολον) χ(αλκοὺς 2).
(ἔτους) κ Ἁδριανοῦ Καίσαρος
5τοῦ κυρίου Φαῶφι ιϛ.


^ 2. l. προφήτου

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