sign in

zpe.183.219 = HGV ZPE 183 (2012) S. 219 = Trismegistos 118522 = o.claud.4.895 = o.claud.4.870

DDbDP transcription: zpe.183.219 [xml]

[Reprinted from: o.claud.4.870] O.Claud. 4 870
[Reprinted from: o.claud.4.895] O.Claud. 4 895

Ἀμμώνιος Ἑρμαίσκωι
τῶι τιμιωτάτωι πολλὰ χαίρειν.
ἐκομισάμην σου ὄστρακον ἐν ᾧ μοι
δηλοῖς μὴ πολὺν ἀνθρακον(*) ἀνηλ̣[ῶ-]
5σαι εἰς τὸ στωμωτήριν(*) σοῦ παρόν[τος]
ἐχθὲς καὶ Ἀπολλιναρίου τοῦ (ἑκατοντάρχου) ο̣[ὔ-]
τε ἔ̣τι τὴν σήμερον στομῶσαι. ἐ[  ̣  ̣]
θ̣ησον οὖν ἕτερα σιδήρια σήμερο[ν ἥ-]
τις ἐστίν δ. αὔρ[ιο]ν δὲ καταβήσ[ο-]
10μαι μήπω{ς} πάντων τῶ̣[ν] σιδηρί-
ων ἐστομωμένων. γράφις(*) δέ
μοι λαβεῖν ἀπὸ Λάμπωνος
σίτου ἀρτάβην καὶ πέμψε(*) σο̣[ι].
πέμψον σάκκον ποῦ μ̣ί̣-
καὶ σὺν ἐμοὶ κατε-
νεχθήσεται ⁦ vac. ? ⁩
(perpendicular) 17,ms καὶ περὶ οὗ ἄλλου β̣ούλῃ ἀντίγραψον.
(perpendicular) 18,ms ἔρρωσθ(αι).


^ 4. l. πολὺ ἀνθράκων (or πολὺν ἄνθρακα)(*)
^ 5. l. στομωτήριον
^ 11. l. γράφεις
^ 13. l. πέμψαι

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HGV 118522 Translation (English) [xml]

1  Ammonios to Hermaiskos, the most honoured, greetings. I have received your ostracon in which you inform me, that they (?) did not expend much coal in the stomoterion while you and Apollinarios the centurion were present yesterday, nor has there been fitting of stomoma today. 8  So give some more (?) points to be fitted with stomoma today which is the 4th. Tomorrow I shall come down, even if all the points have not yet been fitted with stomoma. You write to me to take from Lampon an artaba of wheat and send it to you. 14  Send me a sack which can contain one (artaba) and it will be brought down with me. And write me back about whatever else you want. Be well. (Translation: A. Bülow-Jacobsen, ZPE 183 (2012) 220)