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zpe.190.212 = HGV ZPE 190 (2014) S. 212 = Trismegistos 341751

DDbDP transcription: zpe.190.212 [xml]

Ἄδραστος Θέωνι τῶι
πατρὶ χαίρειν.
καλῶς ποιήσεις ἐν Ἀντινό-
ου Πόλει γενόμενος σὺν Σαρα-
5πίωνι καὶ Ῥούφωι συμβαλὼν
τῶι τοῦ ἡγεμόνος φίλωι. ὑ-
πέσ̣χετο γὰρ προθύμως ἐν
οἷς ἐὰν δέηι συλλήψεσθαί σοι·
μὴ δὴ τῆι φύσ̣ει τῆι σεαυτοῦ
10χρησάμενος̣ π̣ρ̣[ὸ]ς πά⟦ρα⟧ντα
κατόκνει̣· οὐ̣ γ̣ὰρ πολλῶν̣ [ἡ]μ̣ε-
ρῶν σοι ἡ ε̣ἰς Ἀντιν̣[ό]ο̣υ̣ Πόλιν ὁ̣-
δό̣ς̣. Σαραπίωνος ἐδεή̣θ̣ην ἵ-
να σοὶ συλλάβηται εἰς ἐντολὴν
15ἐμὴν παραδρόμων δύο καὶ δ̣ι̣-
πλοί(*)δος λευκῶν, ἃ πάντως
⟦κ̣  ̣⟧ μο̣ι πρὸ̣ ἀ\να/γωγῆς γενέσθω.
ἐμπ̣οδισάτω δ̣[ὲ] μηδὲ ἓν μή-
τ̣ε ὁ σ̣ὸς ὄκνο̣[ς] - Σ̣α̣ρ̣απίων γὰρ
20συλλήψεται - μήτε ἡ τῆς κρό-
κη̣[ς] τιμή· ὅσου γὰρ̣ οὖν ἐὰν
ὠν̣ηθήτω· τὸ δὲ̣ ἀ̣[ρ]γύριον ἐν-
θάδε τῶι πατρὶ καταβαλῶ. (hand 2) ἐρρῶ-
σθαί σε εὔχομαι, κύριέ μου πάτερ Θέων.
Θέωνι πατρί.


^ r.15-16. |πλοϊδοσ papyrus

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HGV 341751 Translation (English) [xml]


1  Adrastos to his father Theon, greetings. You will do well, when you are in Antinoou Polis with Sarapion, to meet also Rufus, the prefect's friend. 6  For he willingly promised to help you in whatever is needed; do not hesitate, however, to use your own capacity in order to achieve everything; for the journey to Antinoou Polis does not take you many days. 13  I asked Sarapion to help you in order to get on my behalf two mantles and a double cloak, all of them white, which in any case should be (…) for me before the upstream delivery.
18  Let there be no hindrance on any account either by your hesitation - for Sarapion will help - or because of the price of the woof: at whatever price, let it be bought; and the money I shall pay here to his father. I pray that you be well, my respected father Theon.


1  To my father Theon. (Transaltion: N. Tchernetska - P. Schubert, ZPE 190 (2014) 213)