sign in

zpe.190.215 = HGV ZPE 190 (2014) S. 215 = Trismegistos 341752

DDbDP transcription: zpe.190.215 [xml]

(hand 7) (possibly the same as m1) Σοκνοπ(αίου)(*) Νήσ(ου) κάμηλ(ος) α
(hand 1) Θεοδώρ̣[ῳ](*) στρα(τηγῷ) καὶ Τειμ[α-]
γέν̣ει βασιλ(ικῷ) γρ̣α̣(μματεῖ) Ἀρσι(νοΐτου) Ἡρα(κλείδου) μερίδο̣[ς]
παρὰ Ἁρπαγάθου Πα-
5κύσεω̣ς το̣ῦ̣ Π̣ν̣ε̣φερῶ(τος)
ἀπὸ κώ̣μης Σοκνοπ(αίου) Ṇήσου.
ἣ̣ν̣ τῷ κ̣ (ἔτει) ἀπεγρα(ψάμην) περὶ
τὴν κώμην κάμηλον
μ̣ί̣αν κ̣[αὶ ν]ῦν ἀπογρά(φομαι)
10εἰς τὸ ἐνεστὸς κα (ἔτος)
Ἀντωνίνου Ḳα̣ί̣σ̣α̣ρ̣ο̣ς̣ τοῦ
κυρίου ἐπὶ τῆς κώμης.
ἀπεγρά(φη) παρὰ στρα(τηγῷ)
(hand 2) διὰ(*) Ἀνουβίωνο̣ς
15β̣οηθ(οῦ) κάμηλ(ος) α
Μεχείρ δ̣
(hand 3) ἀπεγρά(φη)(*) παρὰ βασιλ(ικῷ γραμματεῖ)
κάμ[η]λ̣(ος) α Μεχ(είρ) δ
(hand 4) ἐξηριθμ(ήθη)(*) παρὰ στρα(τηγῷ) σ(υμφώνως)
20(hand 5) παρὰ(*) β̣α̣σ̣ι̣λ̣(ικῷ) γ̣ρ̣α̣(μματεῖ) σ(υμφώνως)
(hand 6) παρὰ ἐξαρι̣θ̣(μητῇ) σ(υμφώνως).(*)


^ 1. D. Hagedorn, AnalPap 30 (2018) 175 : Σοκνοπ(αίου) prev. ed.
^ 2. D. Hagedorn, AnalPap 30 (2018) 175 : Θεοδώρ̣[ῳ] prev. ed.
^ 14. D. Hagedorn, AnalPap 30 (2018) 175 : διὰ prev. ed.
^ 17. D. Hagedorn, AnalPap 30 (2018) 175 : ἀπεγρά(φη) prev. ed.
^ 19. D. Hagedorn, AnalPap 30 (2018) 175 : ἐξηριθμ(ήθη) prev. ed.
^ 20. D. Hagedorn, AnalPap 30 (2018) 175 : παρὰ prev. ed.
^ 21. D. Hagedorn, AnalPap 30 (2018) 176 : παρὰ ἐξα̣ρ̣ι̣θ̣(μ- ) σ(υμφωνω- ) prev. ed.

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HGV 341752 Translation (Englisch) [xml]

1  Soknopaiou Nesos, one camel. To Theodoros the strategos and to Timagenes the royal scribe of the Herakleides division of the Arsinoite Nome, from Harpagathes son of Pakysis, grandson of Pneferos, from the town of Soknopaiou Nesos. 7  That one camel which I declared at my town during the 20th year I am also declaring now in the 21st year of our lord Antoninus Caesar at my town. 13  One camel was registered at the office of the strategos, by his assistant Anoubion, 4 Mecheir. One camel was registered at the office of the royal scribe, 4 Mecheir. It was counted at the office of the strategos accordingly. By the office of the royal scribe accordingly. I accept the tally(?). (Translation: M. Malouta, ZPE 190 (2014) 217)