sign in

zpe.205.227 = HGV ZPE 205 (2018) S. 227 = Trismegistos 749360

DDbDP transcription: zpe.205.227 [xml]

λόγ(ος) πρ(ὸς) Ἀί̈ων
κθ ὄνοι β
λ ὄνοι β
5Φαμενὼθ α ὄν[οι] α
β ὄνοι α
γ ὄνοι β
δ ὄνοι β
ε ὄνοι α /
10ϛ ὄνοι α
ζ ὄνοι α
η ὄνοι β /
[θ ὄνο]ι β
ι ὄνοι γ
15ια̣ ὄνοι /
ιβ ὄνοι γ
ιγ ὄνοι γ
ιδ ὄνοι γ
ι[ε] ὄνοι γ
20ιϛ ὄνοι γ
ιζ ὄνοι β
ι[η ὄνοι β]
ιθ [ὄ]ν̣οι γ
κ ὄνοι γ̣
25κα ὄνοι γ
κβ ὄνοι γ
κγ ὄνοι γ
κδ ὄνοι γ
κ̣ε̣ ὄν[ο]ι γ
30κ[ϛ] ὄνοι γ
ὄνοι ξγ

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HGV 749360 Translation (English) [xml]

1 Record for Aion: Mecheir 29th 2 donkeys; 30th, 2 donkeys.
5 Phamenoth 1st, 1 donkey; 2nd, 1 donkey; 3rd, 2 donkeys; 4th, 2 donkeys; 5th, 1 donkey;
10 6th, 1 donkey; 7th, 1 donkey; 8th, 2 donkeys; 9th, 2 donkeys; 10th, 3 donkeys;
15 11th, 0 donkeys; 12th, 3 donkeys; 13th, 3 donkeys; 14th, 3 donkeys; 15th, 3 donkeys;
20 16th, 3 donkeys; 17th, 2 donkeys; 18th, 2 donkeys; 19th, 3 donkeys; 20th, 3 donkeys;
25 21st, 3 donkeys; 22nd, 3 donkeys; 23rd, 3 donkeys; 24th, 3 donkeys; 25th, 3 donkeys;
30 26th, 3 donkeys. Total: 63 donkeys (Translation with minor modifications: A. Connor and T. Coughlan, ZPE 205 (2018) 227)