sign in

p.col.7.166v = HGV P.Col. 7 166 R = P.Col. 7 166 V = Trismegistos 10520 = Trismegistos 55397 = columbia.apis.p201

DDbDP transcription: p.col.7.166v [xml]

AD 345/6 Karanis
[Reprinted from: sb.3.7189] SB3,7189

ἰδιωτικῆς σπορίμης (ἀρουρῶν) η 𐅸 η´ (ἀρταβῶν) ια 𐅵
ἰδιωτικῆς ἀσπόρου καὶ ἀβρόχου (ἀρουρῶν) ιϛ 𐅵 (ἀρταβῶν) ιϛ 𐅵,
10(γίνονται) ὁμοῦ σὺν ἐνδεηματος(*) (ἀρτάβαι) κη.


^ 10. l. ἐνδεήματι

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.col.7.166r [xml]

AD 345/6 Karanis
[Reprinted from: sb.3.7189] SB3,7189

Αὐρήλιος(*) Ἡρας(*) Σαραπίων(*) ἀπὸ κώμης
Καιρανίδος(*) Αὐρήλιοι Πτολλᾶς Μέλα
καὶ Ἀπίων Ἰσιδώρου ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς
κώμης. ἔσχαμεν παρὰ σοῦ ὑπὲρ ἀφυλισ-
5μοῦ χομάτων(*) ναύβια δύο, να(ύβια) β, τῆς
τετάρτης νέας ἰντικτίωνος(*)καὶ ἐπεροτη-
θις(*) ὁμολογησα(*). Αὐρήλιος Μέλας̣ ἔγραψα.


^ 1. l. Αὐρηλίῳ
^ 1. l. Ἡρᾶτι
^ 1. l. Σαραπίωνος
^ 2. l. Καρανίδος
^ 5. l. χωμάτων
^ 6. l. ἰνδικτίωνος
^ 6-7. l. ἐπερωτη|θέντες
^ 7. l. ὡμολογήσαμεν

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

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APIS Translation (English)

To Aurelius Heras son of Sarapion from Karanis from Aurelii Ptollas son of Melas and Apion son of Isidoros, from the same village, we have received from you for the cleaning of dikes two naubia, na. 2, for the fourth new indiction, and on formal interrogation we gave our assent. I Aurelias Melas, wrote.