DDbDP transcription: p.col.8.209rpdupl [xml]
AD 3 Theadelphia
[Reprinted from: sb.4.7376] SB4,7376;dp=ll33-`44=PMil2,43
παρὰ Μαρσι̣σούχου τοῦ Μαρ-
ρείου[ς] τῶν ἀπὸ Θεαδεφείας(*)
5τῆς Θ̣εμίστου μερίδος δημο-
σίου γεωργοῦ. ἐ(*) τῶι ἐνεστῶ-
τι λγ (ἔτει) Καίσαρος ἐ̣κκεχώρη-
μαι ὑπ[ὸ] Πνεφερῶτος τοῦ
Τιθουγήους δημοσίου γε-
10ωργοῦ τὰς ἐν τῶι ὀνόματι
αὐτοῦ περὶ τὴν κώμην δη-
μοσίας γῆς ἀρούρ(ας) κδ, ὧν
καὶ ἀντιλαβόμενος καὶ χω-
ματίσας καὶ ἀπὸ μέρους λιμ-
15μνάσας(*) ταύτας τῆς εἰς τὸ
αὐτὸ (ἔτος) κατασπορᾶς, τινί
ποτε τῶν λόγων Σωτήριχο(ς)
γραμματεὺς τοῦ τῆς κώ-
μης κωμα̣γρατέως(*), δια-
20πεμψάμενος τὸν πράκτο-
ρα καὶ τὸν φυλακίτην εἰς
τὰ ἐδάφηι(*), ἀνέσπασάν με
καὶ παρ̣έδωκαν εἰς τὸν ―
τοῦ Σ̣ωτηρίχου λόγον, ἁ-
25πλ̣ῶ̣ς μηδέν μου ὀφείλον-
τος, καὶ οὐ πρότερον ἀπελύ-
θην ἰ(*) μὴ μεθʼ ἱκανοῦ. ὁ
δʼ αὐτὸς Σωτήριχος ἀπη-
νέγκ̣ατό μου ἱμάτιον καὶ ἐ-
30νεπόδισέν με ἐν τοῖς κατὰ
τὴν κατασπορὰν(*) ὧν <γ> εωρ-
γῶι(*) δημο[σ]ίων ἐδαφῶν,
τοῦ καιροῦ ἐπίγοντος(*), ὥσ-
τε βλάβος μοι οὐκ ὀλίγον ἐ-
35πακλουθῖν(*). ἐπὶ(*) οὖν ὁ Σωτήρι-
χος ἔχι(*) μου παρʼ ἑατῶι(*) σύμ-
β̣ολον λαογραφείας ἐτῶν ἕξ ,
ἀξιῶι(*) συντάξαι καταστῆσαι
τὸν Σωτήρι̣χον ἐπὶ σέ, ὅπως
40δ̣αστολὰς(*) λάβηι ἀπέχεσθαί
μου, ἐπαναγκασθῆι δὲ
ἀποδοῦναί μοι ἃ ἔ̣χι(*) μου,
ἵνα μηδὲν τῶν δημοσί-
ων δαπέσηι̣(*).
(ἔτους(?)) λ̣γ Καίσαρο̣ς Φαῶφι ιγ.
^ 2. l. γραμματεῖ
^ 4. l. Θεαδε<λ>φείας
^ 6. l. ἐ<ν>
^ 14-15. l. λιμ|νάσας
^ 19. l. κωμογρα<μμα>τέως
^ 22. l. ἐδάφη
^ 27. l. εἰ
^ 31. corr. ex κατατποραν
^ 31-32. l. εωρ|γῶ
^ 33. l. ἐπείγοντος
^ 34-35. l. ἐ|πακολουθεῖν
^ 35. l. ἐπεὶ
^ 36. l. ἔχει
^ 36. l. ἑαυτῶι
^ 38. l. ἀξιῶ
^ 40. l. δ<ι>αστολὰς
^ 42. l. ἔχει
^ 44. l. δ<ι>απέσηι
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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APIS Translation (English)
To Asklepiades, basilikos grammateus, from Marsisouchos son of Marres, a resident of Theadelphia of the Themistos Division, state farmer. In the present 33rd year of Caesar I have received by cession from Pnepheros son of Tithoues, a state farmer, the 24 arouras of public land in his name near the village; after I had undertaken work on them and diked them and partially irrigated them for the sowing of the same year, on some pretext or other Soterichos, a scribe of the komogrammateus of the village, sent the praktor and the policeman to the fields, and they arrested me and handed me over to the ... of Soterichos, even though I owed absolutely nothing, and I was not released until I had given security. And the same Soterichos took my cloak away and impeded me in the work connected with the sowing of the public fields which I farm, although the season was pressing, so as for no small harm to result for me. Accordingly, since Soterichos has with him my receipt for the poll-tax of six years, I ask you to give orders to cause Soterichos to appear before you, so that he may receive orders to leave me alone and be compelled to return to me what he has of mine, so that the public revenues may suffer no harm. Farewell. Year 33 of Caesar, Phaophi 13.