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p.customs.427 = HGV P.Customs 427 = Trismegistos 10654 = michigan.apis.2678

DDbDP transcription: p.customs.427 [xml]

II/III spc Philopator

τετ̣[ε]λ(ώνηται) διὰ πύλ(ης) Φιλ(οπάτορος) τῆς καὶ Θεαγ(ένους)
(ἑκατοστὸν) κ̣α̣ὶ̣ (πεντηκοστὸν) Παῆσις εἰσ(άγων)(*) ἐ̣πὶ κα-
μήλ(οις) δυσὶ πυροῦ ἀρτά-
βας δώδεκα (ἀρτάβαι) ιβ.
5(ἔτους) ζ// Μεσορὴ ἐπαγομέ̣-
νων δευτέρᾳ.


^ 2. BL 12.64 : ἐξ(άγων) prev. ed.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

Paid, through the gate-house of Philopator he kai Theagenous, the 3 % (customs duty), by Paesis, exporting twelve artabai of wheat, 12 artabai, on two camels . Year 7, the second of the intercalary days of Mesore, 2.