DDbDP transcription: p.fam.tebt.3 [xml]
AD 92 Tebtynis?
[Σεβαστοῦ Γερμ]αν̣ικοῦ [μ]ηνὸς Δασίου(*) κ̣α̣ Φαρμ[ο]ῦθι κα ἐν Πτολεμαείδι
[Δρυμοῦ τοῦ Ἀ]ρσινοεί[τ]ου νομοῦ. ὁμ[ο]λο[γ]εῖ Ἄρει[ος] Ἀρείου (ἐτῶν) με ο(ὐλὴ) ἀντικ(νημίῳ) δεξ(ιῷ)
[- ca.11 -]α ὡς (ἐτῶν) ̣β̣ ο(ὐλὴ) γόνατι ἀριστερῶι μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ ἀνδρὸς ―
5[- ca.11 -] Λυσιμάχ̣ου τοῦ Διδύμου ὡς (ἐτῶν) λε ο(ὐλὴ) μετόπ(ῳ) ἐκ δεξιῶν ―
[πεπρακέναι α]ὐτῆι τὸν ὁμολογοῦντα κατὰ τήνδε τὴν ὁμολογείαν(*)
[ἀπὸ τῆς νῦν ἐπὶ] τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν αὐτῷ Ἀρείωι
[- ca.9 - πε]ρὶ Κερκῆσιν τῆς Π[ολ]έμωνος μερίδος γῆς ἀμπελίδιτος(*)
[ἄρουραν μία]ν̣ ἢ ὁσηι(*) ἐὰν ἦι καὶ πρὸς ταύτηι ἐπιβολῆς ὀγο̣δον(*) ἀρούρης
10[μετὰ τῶν συνκ]υρόντων̣ πάντων, τοῦ ἐν αὐτῆι ὑποδοχείου κατὰ κοινὸν
[τοῦ περὶ Κερκ]ῆσιν ἐδ[άφ]ους καὶ π̣ρ̣ὸς ἀναβολῆς καὶ θήρας ἰχθύας πρὸς
[τὸν γειτνιῶν]τα Ἀμμώνιον διὰ τὸ μίαν εἶναι σφραγειδαν(*) τῶν δύο
[ἀρουρῶν, ἐων]ῆσθαι δέ, ὡς φάσκι(*) ὁ Ἄρειος, ἔτι πάλαι ἐπὶ τούτοις. γείτωνες(*)
[τῆς προδεδηλω]μένης ἀρούρης νότου διῶρυξ διʼ ἧς ποτίζεται ἡ ἄρουρα,
15[βορρᾶ ὁδὸς δ]ημοσία, λειβὸς(*) ἡ προδ̣εδηλομένη(*) τοῦ Ἀμμωνίου
[ἄρουρα, ἀπη]λιώτου τέκνα [Σ]α̣ρα̣πίω̣νος τοῦ Ἀχιλλέως καλαμίᾳ·
[καὶ ἀπέχειν] ἐκ πλήρους ἀργυρίου δραχ[μ]ῶν ἑπτακοσίων ἑξήκοντα
[διὰ τῆς Διδύ]μ̣ου τραπαίζης(*) [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ί̣ου. βεβαιοῖ πάσι(*) βεβαιώσι(*)
[αὐτῇ καθαρὰν ἀ]πὸ μὲν δημοσίων τελεσμάτων πάντων σιτικῶν τε
20[καὶ ἀργυρικῶν] καὶ τακρημάτων(*) πάντων καὶ παντὸς εἴδους ἀπὸ τῶν
ἔμ̣[προσθεν χρ]όνων μέχρι τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἑνδεκάτου ἔτους καὶ αὐτοῦ
τοῦ [ἑνδεκάτου] ἔτους Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Δομιτιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ
Γερ[μανικοῦ] δι̣ὰ̣ τ̣ὸ̣ τὰ ἐφέτια(*) ἐκφόρια εἶναι τοι(*)Ἀρείου, ἀπὸ δὲ ἰδιο-
τι[κῶ]ν(*) καὶ πάσης ἐνποιήσεως ἐπὶ τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον. τὰ ἄλλα ἀκολούθως.
^ 1. l. [ὁμολογ]ίας
^ 2. l. Δαισίου
^ 6. l. ὁμολογίαν
^ 8. l. ἀμπελίτιδος
^ 9. l. ὅση
^ 9. l. ὄγδοον
^ 12. l. σφραγῖδα
^ 13. l. φάσκει
^ 13. l. γείτονες
^ 15. l. λιβὸς
^ 15. l. προδεδηλωμένη
^ 18. l. τραπέζης
^ 18. l. πάσῃ
^ 18. l. βεβαιώσει
^ 20. l. <κα>τακριμάτων
^ 23. l. ἐπέτεια
^ 23. l. τοῦ
^ 23-24. l. ἰδιω|τικῶν
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HGV 10748 Translation (Englisch) [xml]
1 Copy of contract. The 11th year of Imperator Caesar Domitianus Augustus Germanicus, month of Daisios the 21st, of Pharmouthi the 21st, at Ptolemais Drumou of the Arsinoite nome. 3 Areios son of Areios, 45 years old, having a scar on his right shin, acknowledges to - - -, - - years old, having a scar on the left knee, assisted by her husband - - son of Lysimachos the son of Didymos, 35 years old, having a scar on the right of the forehead, that he, the acknowledger, has sold to her through this contract from now for evermore one aroura, or how much it may be, of a vineyard near Kerkesis in the district of Polemon, and together with it one eight of an aroura as additional quantity, with all the appurtenances, the storehouse thereon being common to the land of Kerkesis, and moreover the dike and the chasing and fishing being common with Ammonios, the neighbour, because the two arourae form one plot. 13 It has been bought, as Areios asserts, already a long time ago in the said conditions. Neighbours of the said aroura are: to the south, a canal through which the aroura is watered; to the north, a public road; to the west the aforesaid aroura of Ammonios; to the east, the children of Sarapion, son of Achilles, with their reed-land. 17 And he declares to have received (the price) of sevenhundred and sixty silver drachmae in full through Didymos’ bank - - . He confirms to her with every guarantee that it is free from all kind of public duties in corn and money and from all fines in any form, beginning with former times up to the present eleventh year of Imperator Caesar Domitianus Germanicus inclusively, because the yearly rent belonged to Areios (?). (It is also free) from private dues and claim of any sort for ever. The rest is accordingly. (Translation: B.A. van Groningen, P.Fam. Tebt. 3)