DDbDP transcription: p.fam.tebt.8 [xml]
AD 103-14 Tebtynis?
Διδύμηι Λυσιμάχου μετὰ
κυρίου τοῦ ἀνδρὸς Ἡρακλείδου
[τ]οῦ Μάρωνος.
5[(ἔτους) -ca.?- Α]ὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Νέρουα
[Τραιαν]οῦ Σεβαστοῦ Γε̣ρ̣μ̣α̣ν̣ι̣κ̣ο̣ῦ Δακικοῦ
[Φαρμο]ῦθ(ι) δ. λῆμμα ἀργυρίου δραχ(μὰς)
[χιλία]ς̣ ἑπτακο[σί]ας (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) Αψ.
[ -ca.?- ] (γίνεται) λῆμ(μα) (δραχμαὶ) Αψ (παρὰ) ε χ(αλκοῦς)
10[Πτο]λεμα̣ίωι Πτ̣ο̣λ(εμαίου) τοῦ Πτ̣ολεμαίου̣
[ὑπὲ]ρ̣ τιμῆς ἡμίσους μέρους
[ἀμπελ]ῶνος ἀναδενδραδικοῦ
[ἀρούρη]ς μίας τετάρτ̣ου ὀγδόου σὺν
[τῷ ἐ]π̣ι̣β̣άλλοντι τουτο(*) ἡμίσει μέρει
15[καλα]μ̣ί̣α̣ς καλάμου ἑλληνικοῦ
[καὶ ̣ ̣] ̣τ̣ος κ[αὶ] ὑποδοχίου(*) ἐφʼ ὧι συ-
[κάμινο]ς̣ καὶ ἐ[ν] ἑτέρᾳ σφραγῖδι ἡμί-
[σους μέρου]ς̣ [κα]λαμ̣ίας ἑ[λ]ληνικοῦ
[καλάμου ἀρούρ]ης μιᾶς τ̣ετάρτ̣ου
20[καὶ ἀμπελῶνος(?)] ἑκτολογουμέ-
[νου ἀκολούθ]ως ἧι πεποίητ(αι)
[ὑπʼ αὐτοῦ ἀγορ]ά̣σι(*) μεθʼ ἃς ἔσχη-
[κε πρότερον δι]ὰ τῆς δημοσί(ας) τραπ(έ)ζ(ης)
[ -ca.?- ]υ ἀργυρίου δραχ(μὰς)
25[ -ca.?- τὰς] ἴσας ἀργυρίου
[(δραχμὰς) χιλίας ἑπτακοσί]ας (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) Αψ
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ιχου̣
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HGV 10765 Translation (English) [xml]
1 From the bank of Pontion. 2 To Didume daughter of Lusimachos, with 3 her legal guardian, her husband Herakleides 4 son of Maron. 5 The ?th year of Imperator Caesar Nerva 6 Trajanus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus, 7 Pharmouthi 4th.Receipt: one thousand seven 8 hundred silver drachmas, that is, 1700 dr.; 9 total receipt 1700 dr., of which we have paid 10 to the credit of Ptolemaios son of Ptolemaios son of Ptolemaios, 11 on account of the price (paid) for the half part 12 of a yard of vines growing up trees, 13 one one quarter one eighth arouras in size, besides, 14 belonging to it, the half 15 of a reed ground of Greek reed . . . 16 and for the receptacle over which 17 grows a mulberry tree, and for the half of a reed-ground 18 of Greek reed on another parcel, 19 one one quarter arouras in size, 20 and for a vineyard (?) subject to the tax of one sixth (of the produce) 21 according to the sale that he has made to you 22 after the first payment of xx drachmas 23 which he received through the public bank 24 . . . 25 the remaining one thousand and 26 seven hundred silver drachmas, that is, 1700 dr. 27 lost.?lin