Letter to Gemellus' brother Marcus Antonius Maximus. |
Lucius Bellenus Gemellus |
Request to summon Epagathus. |
P.Fay. 252; full publication in progress. [On Gemellus, see intro to P.Fay. 110; Hohlwein, N., Le V�t�ran Lucius Bellienus Gemellus,
EdP 8 (1957), p.69-91; Lindsay, J. Daily Life in Roman Egypt (London 1963), 258-265,
279, 282, 307; Westermann, W. L., An Egyptian Farmer, in University of Wisconsin Studies
in Language and Literature III, 171-90; White, J. L., Light from Ancient Letters,
147-153, 167, 215.] |
P.Fay.:252 |
P.Fay. 252 |
2 papyri; 20.4 x 11.2 cm. |
MS collection, 175; Box 1 |
Papyrus patch on verso joins the two fragments. Patch obscures letters. |
10 lines, on recto along the fibers. |
On verso, along the fibers, address. |
Two hands: 1st (lines 1-8), practiced cursive; 2nd (lines 9-10), rapid cursive. |
Greek |
ca. A.D. 100
Recto and verso described. |
Margins: left, 2 cm.; right, .5 cm.; top, 1.5 cm.; bottom 9.5 cm.; E 386 |
Gemellus Archive |
Belongs with Gemellus papers: P.Fay. 91; 102; 110-124; 246-277; P.Oxf. 10; SB XVIII
13144; 13145; Stud.Pal. IV, pg.116; 118. |
F0808 |
Private letter; Gemellus; Euhemeria; Papyri; Private letters, Roman |
Marcus Antonius Maximus; Epagathus |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License. |