DDbDP transcription: p.mich.3.181 [xml]
AD 131 Bacchias
(hand 2) Δείῳ τῷ καὶ Ἀπολ(λωνίῳ) καὶ Ἡρώδ(ῃ) τ̣ῷ̣
καὶ Διο(γένῃ) γεγυμ(νασιαρχηκόσι) βιβλιο(φύλαξι) ἐγκ(τήσεων) Ἀρσι(νοείτου)
παρὰ Ὥ̣ρ̣ου τοῦ Ὥρου τῶν ἀπὸ
5{ἀπὸ} κώμ(ης) Βακχιάδ(ος) τῆς Ἡρακ(λείδου)
μερίδ(ος). ἀπογρ(άφομαι) κατὰ τὰ ὑ̣π̣ὸ
τοῦ κρατίστου ἡγεμόνος [Φλ]α-
ουίου Τιτιανοῦ κελευσθέντα̣
εἰς τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἡμέραν
10ὅπερ ἐστὶν ἀπὸ πατρικ(ῆς) (ἥμισυ) μέ(ρος)
οἰκ(ίας) σὺν καὶ τ(ῷ) ἀδελ(φῷ) Ὥρου. ἐὰν
δέ τι ἐξοικονομῶ, ἀποδ(είξω) ὡς ὑ̣π̣α̣ρ̣χ(ει).
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APIS Translation (English)
(2nd hand) I, Kottos, secretary, have signed it. The 15th year, Mesore 9.;(1st hand) To Dios, who is also called Apollonios, and Herodes, who is also called Diogenes, ex-gymnasiarchs, custodians of property records of the Arsinoite nome.;From Horos, son of Horos, a resident of the village of Bacchias of the division of Herakleides.;In accordance with the commands of Flavius Titianus, the most noble prefect, I declare as my holding (in the aforesaid village) from my paternal inheritance as of the present day a quarter share of a house held with the brother of Horos <read: my brother? my uncle?>. And if I shall dispose of it in any way, I shall show how it belongs to me.