DDbDP transcription: p.mich.3.185 [xml]
AD 122 Arsinoite
ἀπολ̣ελυ̣μ(ένων) ἱππέων(*)
παρὰ Ὥρου τοῦ Ὥρου ἀπὸ κώμης
Βακχιάδος Πέ[ρσ]ου τ[ῆς] ἐπιγονῆς.
5β[ούλο]μαι μ[ι]σ[θ]ωσαι(*) παρὰ σοῦ ἐφʼ(*)
ἔ[τη τέσ]σαρα ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐ[νεστ]ῶτος
ἕ[κτου ἔτου]ς Ἁδριαν[οῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου]
τ[ὰς] ὑ[παρχ]ούσας σοι [περὶ τὴν αὐτὴν]
κ[ώμην] ἀρούρας πέ[ντε ἢ ὅσας ἐὰν ὦσι]
10ἐ[ν μιᾷ σφ]ρα[γ]ῖδι ἐκφ[ορίου τοῦ παντὸς]
κα[τʼ] ἔτος σὺ[ν] αἷς λ[ήμψομαι σ]πέρ[μ]ατα
κριθῆς [ἀρ]τάβαις πέντε [κρι]θῆς ἀρτα-
βῶν εἴκοσι πέντε πα ̣ ̣ ̣ μέτ̣ρ̣ῳ̣
ἑξαχοινίκῳ ἑρμηνέως̣ κώ̣(μης) καὶ ἐπι-
15τελέσω τὰ καθʼ(*) ἔτος ἔργα καὶ [κατ]α̣σπορὰς
καὶ κα̣θ̣α̣ρ̣ισμοὺς καὶ σιφω[ν]ολογίας
σπείρων ἐπὶ τὰ πρῶτα ἔτη τρία ὡ̣ς
ἐὰν αἱρῶμαι, τῷ δὲ τετάρ[τ]ῳ ἐν χόρτ(ῳ)
εἰς κοπὴν ξηρασίας(*) καὶ τὰ καθʼ(*) ἔτος
20ἐκφό(ρια) ἀποδώσω σοι ἐν μηνὶ Παῦνι
ἐφʼ ἅλῳ τῶν ἀρουρῶν νέα καθαρὰ
ἄδολα, τῶν καθʼ(*) ἔτος δημ[ο]σίων φορέτρω[ν]
ὄντων πρὸς ἐμὲ τὸν Ὧρον, καὶ με-
τὰ τὸν χρόν(ον) παραδώσω τὰς ἀρο(ύρας) ἀπὸ κο-
25πῆς(*) χόρτου καθαρὰς ἀπὸ θ̣[ρύου] καλάμ(ου)
ἀγρώστεως δίσης(*) πάση[ς], ἐὰν φαί-
νηται ἐπιχ(ωρῆσαι) ἐπὶ τοῖς π̣ρ̣[οκειμέ]ν̣ο̣ι̣ς̣ κ̣α̣[ὶ]
ἀπὸ δημοσίων. (hand 2) Μάρκος Ἀνθ[έ]στι[ο]ς
Γέμελλος μεμίσθωκα καθὼς πρόκε[ι-]
30ται. ἔτους ἕκτου Αὐτοκ[ράτορο]ς Καίσαρος
Τραειανοῦ(*) Ἁδριανοῦ Σε[βαστοῦ], μηνὸς
Μεσορὴ ἐπα[γ]ομέν[ων ̣].
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
To Marcus Anthestius Gemellus, former cavalryman.;From Horos, the son of Horos, of the village Bacchias, a Persian of the epigone.;I wish to lease from you for four years from the present sixth year of Hadrian Caesar our lord the five arourai, or however many there may be, in one parcel belonging to you near the same village, at an annual rental for the whole, including five artabai of barley which I shall receive as seed, of twenty-five artabai of barley all(?) according to the six-choinx measure of the village interpreter; and I shall perform the annual labors, the sowing and cleaning and removal of wild oats, sowing for the first three years as I may please, but in the fourth year with grass for cutting and drying; and I shall deliver to you the annual rental new, clean, free from blemish, in the month Pauni on the threshing floor of the arourai, the annual charges for transporting state grain resting upon me, Horos; and after the expiration of the lease I shall hand over the arourai after the hay harvest free from rushes, reeds, coarse grass and all rubbish, if you decide to grant the lease on the foregoing terms, and free from public taxes.;(2nd hand) I, Marcus Anthestius Gemellus, have made the lease as aforesaid. The sixth year of the Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus, on the . . . supplementary day of the month Mesore.