DDbDP transcription: p.mich.9.543 [xml]
AD 134-36 Karanis
Διόσκ[ορος Μ ̣ ̣ ̣]νος τοῦ Φαήσεως(*) ἀπὸ κώμης
Καρανίδ[ος καμ]ηλοτρό<φο>ς τῆς αὐτῆς κώμης
ὀμνύω τὴ[ν Αὐ]τοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ
5Ἁδριανοῦ Σ[ε]βαστοῦ τύχην εἶναι(*) καμήλους
[ἐ]ν̣ τῇ κ̣ώ̣[μῃ] τελίους(*) πεντήκοντα πέν-
τε γί(νονται) ν̣θ̣(*), πώλ(ους) ιγ(*) γί(νονται) ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ κάμηλ(οι) ο̣β̣(*),
ὧ̣ν τ̣ὸ̣ κ̣α̣τ̣᾽ ἄ̣ν̣δ̣ρ̣α̣(*)·
Ἀφροδ(ίσιος) Πτολ(εμαίου) κάμηλ(οι) δ
10Διόσκ(ορος) Μ[ ̣ ̣]( ) κάμηλ(οι) ϛ πῶλ(οι) β
Κρ̣ο̣ν(ίων) [ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣( ) κάμηλ(οι) η πῶλ(οι) β
Ἁτρ̣ῆ̣(ς) [Πε]τεσούχο(υ) κάμηλ(οι) β
Ὡρ[ί(ων) ̣ ̣] ̣ου κάμηλ(οι) ε
̣ ̣δ[ -ca.?- ] κάμηλ(οι) ε πῶλ(ος) α
15Ἀνθ[ -ca.?- ] κάμηλ(οι) ι πῶλ(οι) δ
Π̣τ̣ολ(εμαῖος) [ -ca.?- κ]άμηλ(οι) β
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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APIS Translation (English)
To Archias, strategos of the Herakleides division of the Arsinoite nome. I, Dioskoros, son of . . ., the son of Phaesis, from the village of Karanis, camelherd(?) of the same village, swear by the Fortune of Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus that there are fifty-five full-grown camels in the village, that is [[55]] 59, and 13 colts, making altogether [[68]] 72, of which (the list) by man (is)(?):;'Aphrodisios, son of Ptolemaios 4 camels';Dioskoros, son of M . . . 6 camels 2 colts;Kronion . . . 8 camels 2 colts;Hatres son of Petesouchos 2 camels;Horion . . . 5 camels;. . . 5 camels 1 colt;Anth . . . 10 camels 4 colts;Ptolemaios . . . 2 camels;. . . . . .