DDbDP transcription: p.mich.15.691 [xml]
AD 83/4 Soknopaiou Nesos
Γερμανικοῦ. εἰρ(γάσατο) ἐν χώμ(ατι) καιν(ῷ) Κερβ(ασήιτος) ἐφʼ ἡ(μέρας) πέντ(ε) ὑπ(ὲρ)
χω(ματικῶν) το(ῦ) αὐτο(ῦ) τρίτου (ἔτους) (hand 2) Σοκνοπ(αίου) Νήσο(υ)
(hand 3) Παυσῖ(ρις) Παυσίρε(ως) το(ῦ) Παυσί(ρεως) μη(τρὸς)
(hand 4) Πτολεμαῖος σε(σημείωμαι).
(hand 5) Ἰσίδωρ(ος) σε(σημείωμαι) Παυσῖ(ριν).
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APIS Translation (English)
Year three of Imperator Caesar Domitianus Augustus Germanicus. Has performed for five days for work on dikes for the same third year on the new dike of Kerbaseis (2nd hand) on behalf of Soknopaiou Nesos (3rd hand) Pausiris, son of Pausiris the son of Pausiris, and of Tanesneus. (4th hand) I, Ptolemaios, have signed. (5th hand) I, Isidoros, have signed in respect of Pausiris.