DDbDP transcription: p.mich.15.697 [xml]
AD 177 Arsinoiton Polis, Krokodilopolis, Ptolemais Euergetis
Κομμόδου τῶν κυρίων Σεβαστῶν
Φαῶφι ιη. δι(έγραψεν) Ὡρίων Διοσκ(όρου)
τοῦ Διο̣σκόρου μη(τρὸς) Θασίου
5ὑ(πὲρ) λα(ογραφίας) ἑπτ[ακα]ιδεκάτου (ἔτους) Βιθ(υνῶν)
(δραχμὰς) εἴκοσι, (γίνονται) κ, προ(σδιαγραφόμενα) χ(αλκοῦ) ὀβολ(οὶ) δέκ(α) .
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APIS Translation (English)
Year 18 of Aurelius Antoninus and Aurelius Commodus the lords Augusti, Phaophi 18. Horion, the son of Dioskoros the son of Dioskoros, and of Thasion, has paid for the poll tax of the seventeenth year in the district of Bithynon twenty drachmai, that is 20, with additional payments of ten bronze obols.