DDbDP transcription: p.oslo.3.123 [xml]
AD 22 Arsinoite
[πα]ρ̣ὰ̣ Διονυσίου τοῦ προ̣-
[εστῶ]τος τῆς ἐ̣ν̣ τῶι̣
5[ ̣ ̣] ̣χ[ο]υ̣ ἐποικ[ί]ω̣ι̣ οὐ[σί-]
[ας] Ἀ̣[ν]τ̣ω̣ν̣ίας Δρο̣ύ̣[σου.]
π̣ρ̣ο̣σ̣έπεσέν μο[ι] π̣α̣[ρὰ]
Χ̣α̣ιρήμονος τοῦ̣ [Σα-]
[ρα]πίωνος γεωργο̣ῦ̣
10[ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ [τ]ῆ̣ι α ἡ̣[μ]έ̣ρ̣ᾳ̣ τοῦ
[Νέου] Σ̣εβασ̣τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ μ̣[ηνὸς]
τοῦ ἐνάτου (ἔτους) Τ̣ιβε̣ρ̣[ίου]
Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ
ἐπαφηκέναι Τ̣η̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
15Ὥρου̣ θιαουαρ̣ητια̣
κ̣α̣ὶ̣ Πετεσοῦχον Λαβα-
τᾶ̣τος καὶ Ψοσνεῦν
τοὺς Ὠνε̣ί̣[ου]ς̣ π̣ο̣ι̣μ[έ-]
νας τῶν ἀπὸ̣ Φι[λ]α-
20δελφείας ἃ ἔχουσ̣ι π̣ρ̣όβα̣\τ[α]/
εἰς ἃς̣ ἔ̣χει ἐν τῶ̣ι
Ἀνουβείο̣υ κλήρωι
πυρίνας θήκας καὶ
ταύτας καταν[ε]νε-
25μηκέναι κα[ὶ] κατα-
βεβλαφέναι ε[ἰ]ς̣ λ̣[ό]γ̣(ον)
(πυροῦ ἀρταβῶν) ι. ἀξιῶ γραφῆν̣α̣ι̣
τῷ τῆς Φιλαδελφ[είας]
ἐπιστάτηι κατ̣[αστῆσαι]
30τοὺς ἐγκαλου[μένους]
ἐπί σε πρὸς τὴν [δέουσαν]
ἐπέξοδον ἐν τ[άχει μὴ]
ἐλατ̣τουμένου̣ [μου]
ὑπὲρ ὧν προεπ̣έδωκ̣[α διʼ]
35ἑτέρων ὑπομνημάτ[ων.]
τῆι ιϛ. ἔ̣κ̣πεμψο[ν.]
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
To Dionysodoros, strategos of the Arsinoite nome, from Dionysios, agent of the estate of Antonia, widow of Drusus, in the centre of the farmstead. I have been informed by Chairemon, son of the farmer Sarapion, that on the first of the month Neos Sebastos (October 28) of the ninth year of Caesar Tiberius Augustus, the herdsmen Te..., son of Horos, Vartetias and Petesouchos, sons of Labatas and Psosneus, all from Philadelphia, had let their flocks into Antonias Anoubis-allotment and allowed them to graze down her stores of wheat and caused a loss of 10 arourae of wheat. I beg you to write to the chief of police of Philadelphia in order to have the culprits brought before you for the necessary punishment.---------------;Farewell. (2nd hand) The 16th (November 11). Send them up.