DDbDP transcription: c.pap.gr.2.1.42 [xml]
AD 151 Bacchias
[Reprinted from: p.oslo.3.97] POslo3,97
γραμματεῖ κώμης
παρὰ Θαήσεως τῆς Ψεν-
5α̣τύμεως τοῦ Αὐνείους μη-
τρ[ὸ]ς̣ Θαήσεως ἀπὸ τῆς προκει-
μένης κώμης Βακχιάδος
μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ συνγενοῦς
Ἀ̣π̣[ο]λ̣λ̣ωνίου τοῦ Ἀπ[ο]λλωνίου.
10[ὁ] ὁμο̣π̣ά̣τ̣ρ[ιο]ς̣ [κα]ὶ ὁ̣μ̣ο̣μ̣ή̣τ̣ρ̣[ιός]
μου ἀδελφὸς Αὐ̣ν̣ῆ̣ς̣ ἀν̣α̣γ̣ρ̣α̣φ̣ό̣-
μενος ἐπὶ τῆς α̣[ὐ]τ̣ῆ̣[ς] κ̣ώ̣μ̣η̣ς̣
Β̣α̣κχι[ά]δος ἄ̣τ̣ε̣χ̣ν̣ο̣ς̣ ὢ̣ν̣
[ἐτελ]ε̣ύ̣τ̣η̣σ̣ε̣[ν ἐ]ν τῷ Μεχεὶρ
15[μ]ηνὶ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ιδ (ἔτους)
Ἀν̣τ̣ω̣ν̣είν̣ου Κα̣ί̣σαρος
τ̣ο̣ῦ [κυ]ρίου. [δι]ὸ̣ ἀ̣ξ̣ι̣ῶ τ̣α̣γ̣ῆ̣-
ν̣α̣ι αὐτὸ̣ν̣ ἐ̣ν̣ τῇ τ̣ῶν τετε̣-
λ̣ε̣υ̣τ̣η̣κότων τ̣ά̣ξε̣ι̣.
20(hand 2) Πτολεμαῖος κωμογρ(αμματεὺς) διὰ Πτολ(εμαίου) γρ(αμματέως)
ἔσχον τὸν ἴσον.
(hand 1?) (ἔτους) [ιδ] Μ̣ε̣χ̣[εὶρ -ca.?- ]
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APIS Translation (English)
To Ptolemaios, village clerk of the village of Bacchias, from Thaesis, daughter of Psenatymis, son of Aunes, and of the mother Thaesis, from the abovementioned village of Bacchias, with her guardian, the relative Apollonios, son of Apollonios. Aunes, my brother of the same father and mother, registered in the same village of Bacchias, of no profession, died in the month of Mecheir, in the present 14th year of Antoninus Caesar our Lord. I therefore request that he be entered in the registry of those who have died.;(2. hand) I, Ptolemaios, village clerk, received this through the scribe Ptolemaios.;(1. hand?) Year 14, Mecheir